Chapter 7

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"You have me sneaking out like a teenager." Jeffrey chuckles which makes me giggle. We did not have sex but we did have quite a few heavy makeout sessions with the occasional grope here and there.

Since I knew the girls were coming home, I was not trying to have sex with him because Jeffery and I are both freaks in the sheets. I find myself smiling as I remember how the girls came in around 2 am, Jeffrey snuck into my bathroom before they could walk into my room. 

It is now approaching 6 am and I am trying to sneak Jeffrey out of my room before one of the girls walks into my room. Usually around 6, one of the girls will come check up one me since they still worry that something could happen to me.

I watch as Jeffrey swings his legs out of the window, luckily for him, I still have the vine outside my window.

"Wait." I pull him close and give him a chaste kiss. "Now go."

Jeffrey gives me a dreamy smile which makes my heart melt.

"I'll see you later." He salutes me before climbing down the vine. I stay by the window, watching him from through the yard around the front to leave the property. 


HalleBerry: First born

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HalleBerry: First born. 

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The following days were spent travelling back and forth between Georgia and LA. The girls had all gone back to work but they were popping in every other day to check up on me which I appreciate. 

Since most of the filming for the Walking Dead takes place in Georgia, I've been looking at property over there because flying back and forth is tiring. I leave early in the morning to fly to Georgia which is a five hour flight then I have to fly back after shooting.

It's currently 12 am and I have just arrived back in LA but this time, I brought Jeffrey with me. He has his own place in Georgia so he hasn't been struggling like I have and I have made sure to keep my issues to myself.

"Mom?" My eyes widen in surprise as Zia steps out from the living room, I quickly push Jeffrey into a cupboard before she comes into eye view. "What are you doing back so late?"

I fake a yawn. "I just got back from work."

"I made some lasagna earlier on, I left the leftovers in the oven so it should still be warm." She says while leaning against the wall.

"Ok." I give her a loving smile. "Thank you Zia."

"Alright." She goes to head back into the living room but she stops and gives me a suspicious look. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I smile as I lean against the closet that Jeffrey is hiding in. "I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be filming a lot more in Georgia so I'm getting an apartment there."

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