Chapter 13

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Since Jeffrey is always picking me up before set, I decided that I will pick him up today. This meant that I had to call a coffee shop the night before to arrange for our go to coffees to be made around 7, before the shop is even open.

Once I grabbed the coffee and the pastries, I headed straight to Jeffrey's home. He opted to get a house because he likes his space and he likes to have company over so it works out best for him.

"Halle..." Jeffrey gives me a weird look and we just stare at eachother for a moment. "Hey."

"Surprise." I lift the pastries and coffee up. "Since you're always picking me up, I decided that I will return the favor."

Jeffrey smiles softly before he lightly pecks my lips.

"I appreciate that but I'm actually going to be somewhat late to set today." I start feel a certain type of way when he doesn't gesture for me to come in. "I have a visitor."

"Well let me in so I can greet them." I push past him and I hear him sigh as he shuts the door behind him. "Don't tell me that you have a girl over or this will get awkward pretty fast."

"No." Jeffrey squeezes my waist as he takes the coffee and pastries out of my hands. "You're my girlfriend, thanks for the coffee and pastries."

"You're welcome." I wrap my arms around him as we make our way over to the living room, "Who is this visitor?"

Jeffrey tenses up and I immediately start to feel weird as he makes his way over to a seat while I remain at the door. I turn my head slightly to the side to see a young boy sitting opposite him.

"Halle, this is my son Gus." My eyes widen in surprise. "Gus this is Zoe, Zia and Zena's mommy."

Gus looks at me, "Hi."

"Hey Gus

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"Hey Gus." I take a step back.

"Halle." Jeffrey gestures for me to enter the room but I shake my head. "Don't leave."

"I'll see you at work." My voice cracks but I ignore it as I quickly make my way out of Jeffrey's house, leaving my own coffee behind.

Seeing Gus made me think of my own son that I lost. I couldn't be there knowing that Jeffrey had another child after we lost our son and his child conveniently ended up being a boy. Not only did we lose our son but we suffered a miscarriage and Gus would have been the same age as my child.

Two hours later, I walked out of my trailer with only makeup done and I caught sight of Jeffrey. At his side was his ex wife and his son which only made me walk back to the doors of my trailer.

 At his side was his ex wife and his son which only made me walk back to the doors of my trailer

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