Chapter 19

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Seeing as my role on the Walking Dead is recurring, I don't have to be on set everyday which has allowed me to begin production on the movie that I am working on that happens to star Jeffrey. I am the main character so I have to shoot a lot of scenes without him so that gives us time to be apart.

We have been spending so much time together that it is slightly overwhelming since we went seven years without talking or seeing eachother and now we're inseparable. 

My daughters are all back at work.

Zoe decided to join Zia on tour which is really nice and it makes me happy to see the girls working together. Zena has flown out to New York to get to work on an acting project of hers so I don't know when I will next see all three girls at the same time.

"You're welcome." I furrow my brows at Charles who is watching me get the finishing touches to my hair. 


"When you guys decided to get married again, I want to be the best man and the maid of honor." Charles points to himself and I burst out laughing. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have considered working with your ex husband which led to you guys reuniting."

"And what about the Walking dead?" I remind him of the other project that I am working on with my ex husband.

"Bitch please." Charles kisses his teeth. "My offer came first."

I laugh again but it's true.

"Why did you do it?" I ask before thanking the hair stylist who has finished with me and they politely smile at me before walking out of the trailer. "Why did you want me working with Jeffrey again?"

Charles smiles softly, "He was your true love and you were his. You may have been able to be apart for seven long years but you guys were made to be with eachother."

His words make me want to tear up.

"It's no surprise that his second marriage did not work out nor was it a surprise that all of your relationships failed. I actually expected you guys to reconcile when you had your heart attack but that heart attack brought your girls back to you." I nod my head. "One way or another, Jeffrey was always going to find himself back to you."

"We would have had five children." I quietly tell him and he places his hands on my shoulder in comfort. "Maybe even more because we were so happy to be a family even though people said we would never make it. Everybody thought he would leave after I had Zia but along came Zoe and then Zena. We took some years to raise our girls and then I got pregnant with Zeppelin..."

Charles sighs.

"I am sorry that you lost Zeppelin and your unborn child, that was not fair to you."

"That was my biggest heart ache." I quickly wipe my tears away. "If it weren't for my girls, I don't know what I would have done and Jeffrey had left by then so I had to be strong."

"Jeffrey is back now so you don't need to be strong anymore." Charles looks into my eyes. "He will be strong for the both of you."

"Why are you telling me this?" I tearfully look at him.

"Because you need to drop your guard, you're safe now." Charles gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Halle, you are safe."



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