Chapter 10

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I am leaving for Georgia tomorrow and all of my daughters have come round for our final dinner here together. I don't know how often I will be flying back to LA seeing as my work schedule is about to get crazy busy so I wanted us to have this last memory here before we reunite in a couple of months time.

"How long are you going to be in Georgia for?" Zena asks as she scratches her head.

"A couple of months, now that I have shot a couple of episodes, they are ready for me to start shooting on a regular basis." I answer as I set the Haloumi lasagna down on the dining table. Zena follows behind me with a bowl of garlic bread.

Zoe walks into the room with a jug filled with lemon infused water

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Zoe walks into the room with a jug filled with lemon infused water. I just watch my daughter for a moment as she avoids all eye contact. 

A few days ago, I met up with Jared Padalecki who is currently going through his divorce and he told me that he has been hooking up with Zoe for quite some time. I was obviously pissed and I definitely gave him a piece of my mind but I honestly feel sorry for him.

Jared is a broken man.

I can't help but think that Zoe used that to her advantage. Zoe is known for being quite the manipulator which is why she gravitates to her father more because he lets her get away with things.

I know that Jared will be ending things with her very soon or maybe he has done so already but I need to have a conversation with her.

The doorbell rings and a small smile graces my face as I realise that it is Jeffrey. Zia goes to the door and answers it.

"Dad?" Zia looks at her father confused. "What are you doing here?"

Jeffrey kisses Zia's cheek before greeting Zoe and Zena as he makes his way into the dining room.

"Hello?" Zia tries to get his attention but Jeffrey surprises his daughters by pulling me in for a hug.

"Hello?" Zia tries to get his attention but Jeffrey surprises his daughters by pulling me in for a hug

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"We have something to tell you guys

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"We have something to tell you guys." I say to my girls and they look at us with weird looks on their faces.

"Your mother and I are dating." Jeffrey announces and their mouths drop.

I pull out my phone to quickly snap a picture of them because their faces look hilarious.

"Are you joking?" Zoe asks and I shake my head.

"Oh my God, you guys." Zia smiles as she makes her way over to us, we soon form a family hug which makes me tear up. "All I've ever wanted was for you guys to be happy whether you were together or apart."

"I'm really happy for you guys." Zena wipes away my tears before kissing my cheek. "This is love."

"Just try not to break us up again." Zoe mutters as she takes a seat at the table.

"We won't." I softly respond as I use the back of my hand to wipe at my tears.

"Let's eat, shall we." Jeffrey says and we all take our seats.


"Does he make you happy?" Zia asks as she pulls her hair back into a low bun. "Like really happy."

"He does." I smile as I look out the kitchen window. "I never thought that I would experience something like this after we divorced and it actually scared me when we got close. Some part of me still gets scared because I don't want to get hurt again but I'm really happy."

"Then so are we." Zena places her hand over mine. "Your happiness means everything to us."

"As does yours." I tell them, "How are you guys feeling about the news?"

"We're shocked." Zena looks to Zia who nods her head. "We just hope that you guys will communicate your issues instead of jumping to conclusion. The divorce really did tear the family apart for a number of years and it's something that we don't want to experience again."

I rub the back of Zena's head as she speaks.

"Just be patient with dad." I look at Zia whose face is now serious. "At the end of the day, he did just get divorced so have patience with him. You guys did jump into things quite soon but it's only natural because you guys have history."

"Ok." I nod my head as I start heading to the refrigerator. 

"Are you planning to speak to Hilarie?" I freeze as I touch the door of the fridge. "Before you announce your relationship to the public."

"I haven't really thought about that." I honestly answer. "I think we will wait a little longer to get comfortable with the idea of us being together before we do either of those."

"Yeah well don't wait too long, it only takes one person to spot you guys." Zena states and I nod my head. "I'm really happy for you."

"I'm really happy for me too."

The girls and I speak for a few more minutes before going to our own rooms. I head straight into my bathroom where Jeffrey is waiting with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist.

"Here I thought you was going to get us whipped cream and chocolate." He chuckles as he steps into the shower.

"Who needs chocolate when you have me?" I respond and he chuckles his towel in my face. "JEFFREY!"

"Shh, you'll wake the girls up." He turns the shower on.

"Why didn't you get a softer towel?" I purse my lips at him as I fold the towel before putting it down on the toilet seat.

"This is good." Jeffrey groans as I take off my jumpsuit, leaving me completely bare. 

Jeffrey steps back so that he is back in my line of vision before pulling me into the shower, sliding the doors after me. Jeffrey's lips are on mine before I can even say anything as he pulls back under the water.

 Jeffrey's lips are on mine before I can even say anything as he pulls back under the water

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"Happy?" He asks me and I smile up at him.


"Good." He slams his lips against mine before digging his nails into my back, urging me to wrap my legs around his waist which I do. "Get ready."

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