Chapter 15

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HalleBerry: Oh Miss Halle

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HalleBerry: Oh Miss Halle...

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I never did get to spend time with Gus as he went home but I promised Jeffrey that I will meet his son another time. Although I would have to have a conversation with Hilarie before any of that happens.

We don't have to get up for another hour so we decided to just lay in bed. I spent the night at Jeffrey's and it just feel so good to wake up to this man.

This was something that I always cherished when we were married, waking up to the sight of your husband is the most beautiful thing. It also helps that he is total eye candy and looks completely different from when we divorced.

I won't say that he was fat but Jeffrey Dean Morgan is in much better shape. 

Our time apart did him good.

Our time apart did him good

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"I love you." Jeffrey suddenly announces and I look at him with wide eyes. "I said it and I mean it."

"Jeffrey." I lightly place my hand on his check and he kisses the pad of my hand. "You can't say that."

"Why not?" He holds my hand. "We're grown and we know what we're doing. It may be soon but  I know what love is, we have been in love before."

"Our love ended up almost eight years ago." I softly remind him and he smiles sadly.

"Your love may have but I never stopped loving you." I open my mouth to say something but he silences me with a kiss. "The love that we shared could never leave, you were the first person that I truly loved and you will be the last."

A tear rolls down my check and Jeffrey wipes it away with his thumb.

"I love you." The words are silent but very clear.

Jeffrey cups my face in both hands and our lips soon meet as we share a newfound love with eachother. The moments that followed shortly after is something that I will never forget as we made love to eachother like never before.

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