Chapter 6

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HalleBerry: Mother

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HalleBerry: Mother.

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"Welcome to All the Buzz Radio and today we are joined by the very beautiful Halle Berry." I smile at Jenna who will be interviewing me. "Welcome to the show."

"Thank you for having me."

"First things first, you look absolutely stunning." I laugh at her comment. "You do and everybody listening will have to check out the official instagram page @AlltheBuzzR later on to see a picture of Halle."

"Thank you, thank you

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"Thank you, thank you." I thank her with a smile.

"It has been reported that you will be making your acting comeback."

"Yes I will be and I am very excited to be infront of the cameras." I respond with a huge smile on my face.

"You took a break from acting for three years." I nod my head. "What was the reason behind the break?"

"I'm not sure if you all remember this but four years ago, I had a heart attack."

"So sorry to hear that." She cuts me off and I wave her off.

"The recovery after the heart attack was not easy at all. Only then did I realise how much I was overworking myself. I didn't take time off or go on vacations when I had the time to. My mind was focused on my career which isn't great when you have kids because they didn't like the fact that I was working all time. I can only commend my girls for their strength because it was not an easy issue to deal with."

"Wow." Jenna looks at me in shock.

"Once I was fully recovered, I realised the reason why I was overworking myself was because I had a gap in my heart that I needed to fill. 3 years prior to having a heart attack, my son passed away and my marriage failed." I find myself getting choked up and Jenna places her hand over mine. "I felt as if I had lost everything at once so I forced myself to keep working so that I wouldn't have to feel. It was never about making money because I had all the money that I needed, it was about me not wanting to deal with what had taken place."

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