Chapter 8

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Today I was able to buy an apartment in Georgia which made me happy because I was so tired of these back and forth flights. I'm not set to film for a few days so I am hoping to fly to Georgia in two days time.

I hear a knock on the front door and I furrow my brow as I walk towards it. I live in a gated community so once you get past the first set of gates, it's open game. I didn't get a second set of gates because our area is quite private and secluded. I didn't want to feel trapped in my own home.

I open the door to reveal Jeffrey and I look at him in surprise.

"I'm here to take you out on a date." He runs a hand through his hair which makes him look cool. I raise a brow as he goes to pull something out of his pocket but his hand ends up getting stuck.

I fight back a smile as he gets his arm all twisted in his coat.

"Calm down, old man." I chuckle and he bursts out laughing.

"Shut the door, I'm going to try again

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"Shut the door, I'm going to try again." Jeffrey says and I shut the door in his face. I let out a little giggle as I wait for him to knock again. 

Once he does, I pull open the door and feign surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you out on a date." He leans against the door and I fight back a smile.

"Oh really?"

I watch as Jeffrey smoothly pulls out a small box from his pocket. I look down at it in awe as he opens it only to reveal these gorgeous emerald earrings.

"Oh Jeffrey." I feel my cheeks heat up as he holds out the box to me.

"For you." Instead of grabbing the box, I grab him by the shirt and I pull him close. Jeffrey's face softens as I pull him in for a passionate kiss. I moan into his mouth as he squeezes my butt, just like the good old days.

Once we pull away from eachother, a beautiful moment transpires between us as we stare into eachother's eyes.

"Alright, we need to go now." He softly tells me as he kisses my cheek. "Would you like time to change or are you good to go?"

I look down at what I am wearing before looking up at him.

"I'm good to go."


Jeffrey took us to watch Ghost at a drive in cinema which was so thoughtful of him. It was such a beautiful moment because the spot that he took us to was one of the spots that we actually had one of our first dates at. I began to tear up as Jeffrey explained that he invested in the place after the owner said that he was going to go out of business due to financial reasons.//

Deep down I have always loved Jeffrey and in that moment, I felt nothing but pure love for him. I think what also made the moment special was that he never brought his ex wife to this place. 

After watching the movie, Jeffrey drove us out to a cliff to watch the fireworks. We are listening to old school music as we sit on the back of his truck. He has his arm around me and I honestly feel like a young adult again.

"I have something for you." I furrow my brows at Jeffrey as he pulls out a note from his pocket. He wordlessly hands it to me and I look down at it before looking at him. He doesn't say anything as he gestures to me open the note so I do.

Be my girlfriend.

A smile graces my face as I stare down at the note. I blink back tears as I look up at Jeffrey who is holding out a single white rose.

"Jeffrey, you are full of surprises." My voice cracks as several tears escape my eyes.


"And yes." I smile. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

Jeffrey grabs my arm and pulls me out of the truck. I look at him confused but he says nothing as he pulls me in for a kiss as the next round of fireworks start going off.

 I look at him confused but he says nothing as he pulls me in for a kiss as the next round of fireworks start going off

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"Why did we get off?" I ask him as I wipe my lipstick off his bottom lip.

"I was getting a cramp." I giggle at his confession. "You know that I turn into a real pussy once I've got a cramp and I didn't want to ruin the mood."

"How considerate of you." I bite down on his bottom lip and I tug on it. Jeffrey's hands go straight to my bum which he squeezes and I open my mouth, welcoming his tongue.

I pull him even closer as I slowly pull away from him looking in his eyes. A small string of saliva makes its presence known as we pull away from eachother and I just brush it away.

We just stare into eachother's eyes and I feel so much love radiating between us. It is somewhat overwhelming how easy it was for us to fall back into this place of love and romance when we have been divorced for seven years.

Jeffrey was my first love and I have never loved another man like I have loved him. Even though he remarried and had another child, things just feel right between us and it scares me.

Should it be this easy?

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