Chapter 11

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HalleBerry: Candid moment

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HalleBerry: Candid moment

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Zena being the golden girl that she is, booked me a private jet to take me to Atlanta. I've had my fair share of being on private jets but since having my heart attack, I have decided to spend my money on life experiences. The materialistic things don't matter because you don't take them to the grave.

When I boarded the jet, I was surprised to see that each of my daughters had bought me a gift. Zena had bought me a classic Chanel bag, Zia a Tiffany butterfly necklace and Zoe got me a pair of Alexander McQueen boots.

It made tear up so I made them a short video of me thanking them. As a mother, I don't expect to be treated by my kids but this really means a lot to me. The items don't matter, it's the meaning behind them that matters to me. Being appreciated by your children is a beautiful thing, it just goes to show that you are doing something right.

During the flight I decided to start reading through the script of the movie that I will be starring in with Jeffrey. It's crazy to think that after seven years, I have not only reunited with my ex husband but I am now working with him.

As I read through the script, I find myself being overcome with emotion as it's about a son getting kidnapped and the mother going through hell to get him back. I have been provided with three different endings; finding the kid alive, finding him dead or never finding him at all.

I wouldn't be able to deal with the second option seeing as seven years ago, my own son passed away. I never really got over it but I try to push through each day because I know that I will someday be reunited with him again. 


I let out a hiss as I jump down from a second story building, landing on my feet

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I let out a hiss as I jump down from a second story building, landing on my feet.

"Just like a cat." Negan chuckles as he swings his bat around. "And wow, you are hot."

"Negan." His name slides out of my mouth like a snake. "I hear you've been looking for me."

Remembering the stories that I heard about this ruthless man, I start walking around with a cat on the prowl...

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