Chapter 4

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HalleBerry: My Zia and Zoe when they were still in their teens

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HalleBerry: My Zia and Zoe when they were still in their teens. Zia was sixteen and Zoe had just turned fifteen when I took this picture, we were doing some charity work for the homeless. It was crazy because nobody ever believed that they were sisters, Zia just takes after her father's side of the family while Zoe looks like my grandmother.


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Jeffreydeanmorgan: My girls


I ignore the paparazzi taking pictures of us as we step out for brunch. Zoe couldn't join us since she had to fly to Atlanta to do some last minute recording session. 

Since I am going to be seeing a lot more of Jeffrey, I allowed myself to be in the same space with him. The girls and I were planning to go to brunch anyways but Zia ended up inviting Jeffrey so I'm just going to let things roll. However, I am very aware that we are going to have eyes on us. 

Jeffrey and I haven't been publicly seen together since the year of our divorce.

"They're really watching us." Zia comments as she slips on her sunglasses.

"Atleast they're on the other side of the road." I say as we try to find our brunch spot. "We're lucky that we can't hear what bullshit is spewing out of their mouths."

"Language." Jeffrey gives my butt a little tap and Zena laughs.

We finally settle on some Vegan cafe since the place that we planned to go to is packed

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We finally settle on some Vegan cafe since the place that we planned to go to is packed. There was still a few spaces but I didn't want to have that many eyes on us. Luckily, this place has no other customers and Jeffrey has spoken to them about our privacy so I don't think anybody else will be coming in.

"E! reached out to me." Zia announces once we receive our food.

"What for?" Zena asks as she gets to work on her acai bowl

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"What for?" Zena asks as she gets to work on her acai bowl.

"Since I'm going on tour soon, they want to document it so I'll basically have my own reality show. Zia on the Road." A small smile graces her face as she tells us about the offer and the contract that she received. 

"Just make sure to pass me a copy of the contract before you sign it." Jeffrey says as he drinks his expresso.

"Sure thing daddio." 

"That reminds me, Gus wants to see you girls soon." Jeffrey states as he looks between Zena and Zia. I find myself growing uncomfortable as they talk about his son from his marriage to Hilarie. I have never met Gus before, I've only seen pictures of him.

They spend another ten minutes discussing Gus's birthday plans and I tune out completely. Things just feel weird. I know that it's not abnormal but I cannot believe that I am having brunch with my ex husband. 

I sigh as I think of Zeppelin, our son that passed away when he was one years old. From the moment he was born, they detected that something was wrong with his heart. After a few tests they found that he had a rare heart condition and it was the worst thing to hear. He wasn't even supposed to make it to one years old but he did. 

The doctors said that he would never walk or talk but he did. Zep's speech was limited and somewhat slurred but my baby boy tried his damn hardest. He fought for his life but his heart couldn't keep up and he sadly passed away at the hospital.

"Mom?" I snap out of my thoughts as I look at Zena who has a look of concern on her face. "You're crying."

"Oh really?" I fake a laugh as I place my hands under my eyes and sure enough, there are tears rolling down my face. "Silly me."

"What's wrong?" Jeffrey asks as he puts his cutlery down.

I shake my head but more tears begin to gather so I grab a napkin off the table to dab under my eyes. I'm so glad that I didn't wear makeup today.

"Mom?" Zia puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just thinking..." I sigh as more tears spill out. "Look at me, a grown woman crying."  

"What were you thinking about?" Jeffrey presses and I look him in the eyes.

"I was thinking about Zeppelin." The atmosphere becomes tense as they all look away. "It's just that his anniversary is coming up and I just forgot. I just miss him so much, he was my only boy and we lost him."

"Oh Halle."


After our little breakdown moment, we all came back to my house. It was the first time that Jeffrey has been there in 7 years so it was quite a moment as we all went into Zeppelin's old bedroom. The girls sang as I prayed for my son while Jeffrey sat up against the bookshelf with one of Zeppelin's toys in his hands.

"Thank you for allowing me to come here." Jeffrey sincerely says as he hugs Zeppelins favourite giraffe toy to his chest. "I've really missed my boy."

We both look at a picture hanging up on the wall. It was the day that Zeppelin was born, one of the nurses captured a candid family moment of all of us with him. We all look so happy, not knowing that we were going to receive devastating news after.

"It was wrong of me not to let you in." I tell him. "He was your son too and I should have invited you to come here. It wasn't fair for you not to have anything besides pictures."

"Halle." He places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm here now and that's all that matters."

"It does." I blink back tears. "It really matters."

Jeffrey kisses my forehead and for a moment, I feel nothing but peace.

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