Chapter 3

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"Is Zoe meeting us there?" I ask the girls as I check my phone. "She still hasn't called me back."

Zia cringes, "She's hungover."

I roll my eyes at the excuse. There is never a time where I can have all the girls to myself without one making an excuse as to why they can't make it. However, if Jeffrey called they would all go running to him which hurts.

I attempt to smile at the paparazzi but I can't help but feel annoyed that Zoe is not coming.

I was planning to have breakfast at our place but I'm currently renovating various parts of my house so the contractors are currently over

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I was planning to have breakfast at our place but I'm currently renovating various parts of my house so the contractors are currently over.

"I've missed seeing you girls." I honestly tell them as we get seated in a quiet diner. "I've really missed you girls."

"Awe mommy." Zia hugs me since she is sitting next to me. "You've got me for the next week."

"I'm sorry." Zena stands up, walks over and hugs me. "I'll be staying for the week too then I have to do a promotional tour for my new movie."

"I know girls." I kiss both of their cheeks. "It just gets lonely in that big house."

Zoe gives me a sad smile. 

The girls have suggested that I should move into a smaller place but the home that I live in holds a lot of memories for me. Jeffery and I did own other properties in various parts of the US and in Europe but this place holds the most. Zeppelin lived in this house and the girls spent majority of their childhood here.

It would be criminal to give it up. I don't have the heart to move out and sell this place to some random person who wouldn't know of our history.

The girls and I talk about our upcoming projects as we wait on our food to arrive.

"I'm so happy that you are acting again." Zena tells me as our food arrives.

"I am too." I smile to myself. "It's been a long time coming."

"What acting gig did you get?" Zoe asks as she digs into her avocado toast.

I purse my lips as I think about if whether I want to share the news with them. I don't want them thinking anything crazy since their dad works at the same place however the cast are now aware of my casting. If the girls go to set, they will find out at some point.

"The Walking Dead." I calmly state as I drink some of my coffee. I watch as their eyes bug out as they stop eating to stare at me.

"Holy shit." Zena curses and I narrow my eyes at her. "Sorry."

"You're going to be working with dad." Zia's eyes widen even more. "How are you feeling about that?"

"I'm playing his love interest." Zena pretends to faint at my words and I shake my head. "Strictly professional."

Silence falls between us as we all get to eating our food which actually tastes pretty good.

"Do you miss him?" Zena asks with a serious expression on her face.

"I miss how simple life used to be." I carefully answer. "But I am happy with my life now."


I wanted to tell my daughters something else but I didn't get the chance to since I got called back by the man doing the construction at the house. I gave the girls my card so that they could go shopping while I sorted out whatever needed to be sorted.

I was going to tell them that I was ready to start dating again. A year after my divorce, I started going on dates every week and ended up being in a relationship. The girls knew that there was someone in the picture but I didn't really make it public. I dated the man for a year but when he expressed his interest in having children, I left him and moved onto the next guy. The next guy was a French actor and he just proved to be too problematic.

I had my heart attack not long after we broke up. Since recovering, I have not been on a single date with anybody. Men have tried and I have flirted around but I took these years to focus on my health.

I'm 41 and I'm not getting any younger so I really need to start dating again. Eventually all of my girls will be completely moved out of the house and I don't want to grow old alone.

I feel as if I've been alone for the longest time and I don't want to be. Everyone sees me as this cold hearted bitch or whatever but I am literally the sweetest person who likes to wooed. I love the whole romance thing but no one thinks that of me so they never try to impress me.

 I love the whole romance thing but no one thinks that of me so they never try to impress me

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I rest my hands on my knees as I try to slow down my breathing. I've just finished a workout session with my personal trainer, Peter.

"You kicked my ass." I chuckle as Peter pulls me in for a sweaty hug.

"You did a very good job." He pats my back as we pull away from eachother. "I can definitely see the improvements in your body."

I don't respond as we warm down. The next few minutes go by in total silence and I let out a small moan as he pushes my back down so that my chest meets the ground.

"I have something to ask you." Peter whispers in my ear as he helps me to my feet.

"What's up?" I use my towel to dab my forehead.

"How would you feel about going on a date with me?"

"Peter." I look at him in complete shock. As attractive as Peter is, I don't know if I should cross the boundaries because we have such a great working relationship and I don't want to compromise that.

"What'd you say?"

Oh Peter.

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