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**Be sure to read the authors note after the disclaimer

This story is fiction. The characters are made up. The names used are of BTS members, and it is a ff about BTS. I do not know their true personalities, or mannerisms, and don't claim to. My characters are based on how I perceive them to be, by what I see, which may or may not be true. Any resemblance to any person, place, or event are products of my imagination.

I do not own any of the pictures or videos used. All credit goes to original owners.


**I wanted to mention something about this story. I have a confession to make. This story actually originated on another account -

My original wattpad account...

See, after I found BTS, and I was in the process of "only learning their names," I started some boards on Pinterest, where I would save pictures of the boys for studying purposes. Occasionally, I would see something about Wattpad in a pin, but honestly, I had no idea what it was, and it didn't really matter. Till one day I heard my daughter say something about Wattpad. I finally said "What the hell is Wattpad? I keep seeing it, and now you're talking about it, so what is it?"

She told me it was a reading and writing platform, and if I wanted to read some interesting stories about BTS, I should check into it. She then warned me that there were also a lot of smut stories, so to be careful of that... (this coming from my 13yo 🙄)

Well, that piqued my interest right there, (what can I say, I guess I'm a dirty minded old lady!) I had already learned the names of all the BTS members, and I could tell you who each one was, I'd been watching things on youtube that my daughters recommended, and I felt I was pretty well educated on them. I had my bias, Taehyung, he'd caught my eye right away, and I've never looked back. Reading some smutty stories with them as the characters sounded like a nice diversion from everyday responsibilities.

So I downloaded the app, and it wasn't long (minutes, to be exact...😂) before I started reading a few stories. Still didn't know how the writing aspect of it worked, so I eventually decided to look into it, and I was excited, to be honest. Writing was something I had always dreamed of doing, but life happened, and it was just something I never got around to trying. 

But now, I had some time. 

So, I set out to try writing my first story, with BTS as my inspiration. I loved each of those boys so much for the positive impact they had on me, my life had changed so much in such a short time. We are talking February 2018, when I first started learning about them, to September 2018. In that amount of time, I already knew my life would never be the same, thanks to them. 

Anyway, back to my writing adventure! I'm a dreamer, and I'm also a believer of anything being possible. If it's meant to be, it will be. 

Does love happen in an instant? Not usually.

Can it? Absolutely.  💓💞💕

I know this because I experienced it. Love at first sight is real. (And no, 😳 I'm not talking about when I first saw Taehyung.) I'm talking about my husband. The first time I saw him, I was 15 years old. Hardly old enough to know what love was, right? But I felt something, it was instantaneous, and all I can say is that I knew I loved him. I'd never even spoken to him. But I knew. I felt in my soul that I was meant to spend my life with him.

I didn't know it at the time, but he felt the same spark. Our age difference, and our parents, kept us apart. We had our moments, once we finally met each other (I was friends with his sister) but we weren't allowed to date, because he was 21. 

We were apart for many years, I even married, deciding that he had moved on with his life, and I was being foolish for waiting for him. But I still loved him. 

Believe it or not, he came back into my life when I needed him the most. I wasn't happy in my marriage, and just wanted out. He helped me, moved me out of my home into a place he had rented, and the rest is history. We are married, have two daughters together, and even though we have had our difficulties, and still do at times, (I'll be honest, sometimes we are literally just tolerating each other) we know we were meant to be together, and we do still love each other. 

So I was right, even at 15. I knew that he was the one for me. It's just something you feel, and it's undeniable. If you're lucky enough to meet the person you're meant to be with, you'll know it in an instant. 

So basically, when I set out to write my first story, I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about, but I knew I wanted it to be a love story. Coming up with ideas for story lines is not my strong point. 

But it was easy enough to decide that I wanted to focus around Taehyung, because he was my bias. I decided to base the story around myself, and yes, because I'm older, I decided to make the woman in the story older. I knew it might get backlash, being that I was pairing a young, famous idol with an older, mature woman with kids. 

But ya know what, I wrote it anyway. 

If you've been here and you know anything about me at all, then you know that I don't let age play much of a factor in anything. I'm a woman, I have eyes, and hormones, and when I see a gorgeous, sexy man, I can't help but notice him. My body doesn't work differently than the 20 something year olds body. (except it's a little slower...😁)

Kim Taehyung is gorgeous. It's a fact. If he came to my door, I'd probably want to take him prisoner, (after I picked myself up off the floor, of course) and have my way with him on a regular basis. (I'm kidding...really, I am...🤥.............................................................................................🤭)

So, that's how this story came to be. It was originally based on myself and my two daughters, and I guess it kind of still is. The character isn't quite as old as I am, because I am well aware of the fact that given his Korean heritage, something like this would likely never happen, but this is a story. Anything is possible in a story, and what better place to have a dream become a reality...than in a story?

Actually, if you've read In Another Lifetime, it might give you the same kind of feeling, but it's different, I promise.

I'll be honest, it didn't get many reads on the original account, but then, I had created this one and wasn't really active on that one, and I really did assume that it just wasn't something people wanted to read!

But I decided to bring it here, and publish it. I know it's not great, but it was a learning process, and I think I've improved a lot from when I wrote this to now.

You don't have to read it, it's not going to hurt my feelings if you don't...but I didn't want to delete it, and I do want to close the other account, as I don't use it.

It's a cute story! If you decide to read it, maybe it'll make you smile!! It's not real long, so it's a pretty quick read. I also started a sequel, but I doubt I'll ever finish it.

If you happen to  read it, let me know what you think! ❤

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