Chapter 8

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~ Violet

I'm hugging my knees on my bed in the hotel, absentmindedly twirling a lock of my hair. My thoughts pour over the events that occurred the night before.

The Prince, my mate. A royal guard, please. The moment I felt his presence I knew. Calypso started whining five minutes before he stood in front of me. I now have a face to put with Calypso's reaction.

When he showed up, I didn't speak at first, it took me by surprise. I figured he would want to talk to me. I noticed my banter with the Beta worked better than I planned. Although I wasn't expecting him so soon. So I waited for an introduction.

I was so nervous. I didn't expect him to be so..attractive. His smell alone caused Calypso to pant with desire. Sandalwood. I could feel his eyes on my body, which made my core heat up and butterflies explode in my stomach.

Stacey and Joy already have met him, no surprise there. When Stacey introduces him as a royal guard I realized he came to meet us under cover. I bet that's how he introduced himself to the others. So I'll play his game, for now. Although I can't understand why. We're eventually going to find out.

With the training I got as a bodyguard, I could tell by the clothes he was wearing he was no guard. His black suade shoes were bearly worn and still squeaked as he walked. A royal guard walks the palace a hundred times, his shoes would be worn and scuffed. 

The blue jeans he was wearing were fading and the navy blue t-shirt, which was a size too small, looked old. I could see ever ripple of his six pack and bulging pex under that shirt. I spy a tribal tattoo around his right bicep with a wolf howling. A black leather jacket bunched under is left arm.

I knew something was up when his friend, who couldn't keep his eyes off me, invited the girls to dance. Although I was glad to see his friend to leave, I didn't want to be alone with the Prince. I curse them even now for deserting me, leaving me at his mercy.

I needed to put distance between us. I can't think straight when he's near me. Why? For one, Calypso was getting annoying. She wanted me to climb in his lap, to feel him. I tried to remind her his wolf was sleeping and it might freak him out.

And for two, I'm not used to being touched but the heat in my core grew hotter. I need to keep it together. I badly want to just tell him that we're mates. I'm pretty sure he would think I'm crazy. Then it would raise questions I'm not ready to answer yet. And then there' little problem. 

Intimacy is a unfamiliar territory. The attraction I feel for Sabastian is intense, and intimidating. I never get this feeling. Being intimate makes me feel...inadequate, unprepared. Like going into a battle with no plan!

I've never been kissed, nothing. I didn't want it growing up. I enjoyed my hobbies, working on my skills, and my training. The challenges kept my mind sharp.

I'm a lethal warrior, but my kryptonite... uha! At least with him. So far, no one else has had that effect on me. It bothers me, he makes me feel strange.

In our pack we practice celibacy until we find our mates. I seen public displays of affection, and I've walked in on my parents a few times. I just have no idea what to do myself.

I'm sure the prince has had plenty of opportunities to practice, with his privilege title and wealth. So I'm sure he is an excellent lover. Would he expect the same of an alpha's daughter, who seems to be so confident and intense? 

I growl at the thought and throw myself back onto my pillow. I pull it out from behind my head and put it over my face. I scream in frustration. I hate feeling weak. Especially because of a male!

He wanted me alone to ask me questions about my pack. It must have bothered him that a pack shows up in his kingdom out of nowhere. And I sing like a canary. Damn matebond, its gotten stronger and it's only been a day since my wolf sensed him. But because his wolf is sleeping, it only affects me. I can't lie to him. And I want him to touch me.

At least I found a way to get him to stop interrogating me. But now he knows we've been keeping secrets about the Moon Goddess. 

I palm my forehead at the thought. Stupid! I sigh heavily. He is so handsome too. Goddess this is horrible! I could die in four days and I feel better about facing that, then enduring this feeling he makes me. I scream into my pillow again.

I can't help but think about his head on my lap. How bold he was to just get comfortable. I was shocked out of my mind. I was literally speechless. I saw the mischief twinkle in his sapphire blue eyes. I guess after witnessing my childish display, he figured I could tolerate that behavior.

I wanted so badly to comb my fingers through his hair. It was dark and straight, layered with a messy look. It was long enough to just cover the tips of the ears. At a mid length to comb back or spike up with gel. It parted over his right brow making a fringe of hair fall over his left brow.

When I finally found my voice. He spoke so casually, like we do this all the time. He has the luxury to do this with twenty four other women.

A pinch of jealous hits me, and Calypso growls. I have to win, I need a sponsor and my trainer. I hope my parents got my message. I hope they come and cheer me on.

A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts. I open the door to see my trainer, Leo. I launch myself at him and hug him.

"Easy, killer. It's only been a week." He laughs.

"It felt a lot longer than that, Leo. Please come in." Ushering him in and I close the door.

"Well how's your progress with your mate?" He says laying down on my bed putting his hands behind his head.

I sit on the edge of the bed, and let out a nervous sigh. "Well, last night at the party we got pretty...close." I struggled to find the right word to describe what happened.

"Close, interesting. Like physically or emotionally?" He presses crossing his arms.

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