Chapter 7

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~ Prince

I straddle the bench so Violet and I are face to face. She turns her body back toward the woods, then stands. Takes a few steps turns around and sits on the ground, folding her legs, indian style. Then leans back, arms holding her up.

She raising an eyebrow, "A royal guard, huh? What is a royal guard doing here? Is the Prince here?"

I notice the distance she put between us, I scoot down the beach to close it. I now sit above her about an arms langth away. I lean forward on my knees and lace my fingers. She smiles then looks away.

"It's a party for the whole city, servants and guards included. I'm not sure where the Prince is, not my shift." I decide to change the subject.

"I see you made friends here quickly. You have friends back home?" I ask.

She sighs, "No, as the Alpha's daughter, I have a lot of training to do." She looked subdued.

"Training? For what?"

Her eyes got real big. Like she said something she shouldn't. I have a feeling there are a few secrets in this pack.

"Well, um. For a special team to protect the pack. Don't all packs have those?" She asks not looking at me.

"Only the ones with something big to protect." I muse, leaning back and cross my arms.

She presses her lips together and her body tenses. Her eyes looking everywhere but at me. She's definitely hiding something.

"What's it like living in the Ural mountains? Must be hard to get what you need in a place like that." I decided to change tactics.

"It's cold there mostly but we grow our food in tier raised bed gardens. We have natural springs. Our Goddess provides everything thing we need, even keeping our pack hidden. Our way of life revolves around our Goddess. We owe her everything." She is hugging her knees as she studies my face. She rests her chin on her knee so I see her nose and eyes.

"Is that what the special forces protect? Secrets about the Goddess?" I lean on my knees again.

She giggles. "If I told you any more, I'd have to kill you, Sabastian."

I put my hands up,"Okay,okay. Um, so what are you doing here then? Can you tell me that?"

She lowers her legs so her feet are under me between my feet, then rolls her eyes. "It was determined my mate was not in my pack. So my parents sent me here. It was a surprise to me. So, to say the least, I'm here against my will."

"Oh I see, that's unfortunate. Do you think your mate is the prince? Or maybe someone here maybe." I say wagging my brows.

She laughs and looks away. She's blushing again. I believe I do have that effect on her. She doesn't act like a snob at all. She seems uncomfortable though. I want to see how far she'll let me go. She's so mysterious and I can't help but desire her touch.

What would she do if I laid my head in her lap? Let's see. I stand slightly and move beside her. Then I kneel and lay down putting my head gently on her thighs.

She stiffens and stares down at me. I can hear her breath quicken. I peer up at her waiting for a reaction. Her face is in utter shock. She laughs nervously and scans the area around us like checking to see if anyone notices.

She wet her lips, "And how would I tell who my mate is when our wolves are sleeping?"

"The king has been studying ways to tell your true mate without the matebond and sensitive tingles. His grandfather discovered a few things.

That's why he started the contest in the first place. These are tests to see which ones come the closest to being their true mate. The king claims the queen is his true mate."

I'm relishing the fact she hadn't kicked me off her lap yet. I can't help to relax. I cross my legs and raise my arms above my head, then slide my fingers under her outer thigh. She can't run from me now. I watch her face turn a brighter shade of red. I chuckle. 

So strong and confident around others, yet so shy and timid with my touch. I'm getting more aroused by the minute. I still hardly know her, but like what I see. I want to taste her now, find out if she's my mate, but I need to restrain myself.

"Well are you going to tell me what he discovered or not? You must know, being a royal guard and all." She says coyly. "I've already told you more than I should have. Tit for tat, Sabastian."

I sit up. The sudden movement startles her. Debating if I should tell her. She likes games. Let's play. I lean over her so my face is close to hers. She's uncomfortable, she falls back onto her elbows. I look into her eyes.

"Well, for what heard, they say your mate tastes different...delicious." my voice seductive, my eyes fall to her cherry red plump, juicy lips. I look back into her eyes and put under their spell.

They are a deep plum purple with flecks of pink and black. Encircling the iris is a thick black ring. In a trance, I'm drawn closer. I slowly move on top of Violet, my legs on each side of her body, my arms supporting me by her head. Her hands twisted into my shirt on my chest. 

She was laying fully on the ground. Her breathing has accelerated and she pushes against my chest just about holding me up. Damn she's strong. My body is responding to her body. She's becoming aroused. I can feel the heat through her pants.

"Is that all? Just a kiss?" Her voice getting caught in her throat.

I smile slyly, "Well, there's another way." I pause to study her face. She waits, watching me. Her breathing still accelerated, she bites her bottom lip. That's sexy.. "You can tell through sex." I whisper the last word.

I'm now nearly sitting on her hips, no space between us. My hips move at the thought. Her breath catches and a low purr is released from her throat. What was that! That was exotic...

My eyes never leaving her hypnotic eyes. I watch as the black ring around the irises get thicker and slowly begin to rotate clockwise. The pink fleck fade as the purple hues darkens then flash like lightning behind a cloud.

I felt something stir in the back of my mind. Her arms relax, did I just get the okay to move forward? I was so excited, I hardly noticed it had started to rain. I lean down to kiss her, I could take her now. I can know what I needed. 

I'm close enough to feel her breath fan my lips, so close... my dick twitches with the fire of arousal that spreads through my body. A twig snaps in the woods not far from us. Violet stiffens, within seconds she rolls us over.

An arrow launches into the dirt where we once were. Violet was now on top of me, kneeling between my legs. She is bracing herself with a hand still wrapped in my shirt on my chest. The other on her hip. She is scanning the forest for more danger. That shy timid girl evaporates before my eyes. What remains is the strong, confident woman What just happened?

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