Chapter 14

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~ Violet

He spoke to my in my language. I was surrounded by these thugs. I rolled my eyes and speak to the vampire. "You know my parents?"

"More your mother than dear old dad. Her and I go way back. She used to belong to me, as my pet." He voice charismatic.

No way! Mother did, however, refused to talk about her past before Father found her. She wasn't born in our pack. After they mated, her wolf was wakened.

"She was beautiful piece of work, and so delicious, so much like a human without her damn dog, it was easy to forget she's a she-wolf." He continues.

I'm in shock, I feel numb. It probably doesn't help I'm sloshed. I shake my head trying to shake off the fuzzy feeling.

"Lucky for you, I'm not here to kill you. I happen to know quite a few individuals who would pay big dollars for you through the black market." He starts walking towards me.

My wolf is clawing to come out and tear him apart. A growl leaves my throat. My eyes begin to glow like his in the night.

"Sounds like someone is awake a looking for a fight." His voice soft and smooth. "Why don't you give up on this ridiculous charade, trying to be a hero and save the wolves." He pokes me in the chest.

Don't poke the wolf! I need to act, this conversation is getting boring.

"My kind all have the right to be whole."

"Your rights?!" He snaps. "You have no idea what your talking about. After the war, your kind belonged to us, as pets. Given to us by your Goddess as Guard dogs and to do as we please."

"Well, things change an she liberated us, after your abuse of our powers."

Why does this vampire have to bring up our past. So we got our freedom, so what. Leo told me they've been bitter about it ever since. He said they are jealous of our power and order. 

I roll my eyes and sigh, "What do you want, if you're not trying to kill me, you're doing so with boredom."

"In such a hurry to be put away, a shame a pretty little pup like you comes with that smart mouth. I wouldn't mind making you my pet. You're mother owes me that much." Using his vampire speed he swings the staff in my stomach.

I back up clutching my gut. I pull out my knife. The other two wolfs lean against a tree, Stacey is gone. We spare a few minutes, I manage to block his swings, but the world is spinning. I roll dodging another swing. I stand too fast, now I'm dizzy. He spin kicks me across the face. I fall to my knees.

"I expected more of a challenge, Violet. How disappointing." He says grabbing my face.

"Well, you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. It's sad you don't have the balls to fight me sober." Then I throw an uppercut causing him to drop the staff.

He flew backwards tripping us over the bench.

I pick up the staff, I look around for my knife. He's back up before I can get to it. I spin the staff adding electrical shock. The vampire steps back. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the pistol. Damn it I forgot about that! I can't stop bullets.

So I snap the staff in half. I throw one at the Vampire. It smacks the gun out of his hands. He turns to get it. His back to me, I run and jump on his back. I get a choke hold. He reaches back and pulls me over his shoulders on to the ground.

I crawl towards the gun. He grabs me by my waist. I trip him, however he falls on top of me. We roll around in the wet grass fighting for dominance. Unfortunately he wins and has me pinned, my knife to my throat. It was the small blade Leo gave me soaked with wolfsbaine.

"If you try to use your power on me, I'll cut you from ear to ear." He growls. His eyes glow honey gold in the night.

I can't believe I failed! I let my guard down and drank too much. Stupid!Stupid! I look up at him, he's wearing a seductive smile, his hooded eyes sparkle. He licks his lip, drawing my eyes there. I can see the points of his fangs.

He hums into a groan, "You look so much like your mother. Your lips are thick and full, I bet they taste good, too."

"What would vampires want with a bunch of wolves?" I whisper not sure if I really want to know the answer.

He brings his face close to my face, centimeters from my lips. "The same as humans, their blood..and pleasure." He angles his face, "only wolves taste better."

He presses his lips to mine hard and hungry. I struggle against his lips, I growl. Until my bottom lip was between his teeth. The metallic taste of my blood in my mouth makes my eyes widen. He deepens the kiss, his tongue lapping the blood. He moans.

I can use this to get free. My problem is I don't know what to do. Unfortunately this is my first kiss, this jerk stole. His lips move slightly over mine, I want to bite his tongue. 

He must have noticed too, because he pulls back just enough for me to see his fangs.

"Violet, you taste good." Then he buries his face into my neck. Kissing and nipping my skin.

What?! Oh shut! He's going to bite me now! I'm dead! What is he waiting for?!

He's getting aroused, I can smell it. He smells so different from Sabastian brand of musk. I realize one of my hands are free. I need to act, but I'm distracted by his body pressing against my body, the vibration coming from his chest. Is he purring? Then there's a humm from his lips near my ear.

Ok Leo, this calls for seduction. Training don't fail me now. Man I'm no good at this. I put my free hand in his hair behind his head and comb through it. A feel him shiver. My heart is beating wildly. I can feel his fangs scratch my skin. No,no don't! I let out a soft fake moan. He stops and draws back, his breath hitches. He looks me in the eyes and smerks, it's like I untethered a beast.

He kisses my lips harder than before, taking the knife away from my neck and laying it on the ground out of my reach. Shit! He puts one hand behind my neck into my hair, the other explores my body. I kiss him back awkwardly. He doesn't seem to mind, he moans.

I've slid my legs out from under him so he's between my leg. He allows me, driving his groin in mine. I kick off the ground to roll us over so I'm on top. All the while I'm kissing him back mimicking his movements.

He's lost in the heat, he allows my on top no resistance. My wolf is ready to pounce waiting for me. His hand is up my shirt, the other working his way down my pant towards my groin. I sit down more on his chest to close access. He chuckles at the denile. I better do something, I don't have any weapons. Calypso is begging to taste blood. I know what I can do, but I need to get to his neck.

My hand still in his hair, I brace myself with the other. I trail kisses to his neck like he did to me before. He moans push his groin against me, both of he hands on my hips pushing me down.

Damn he is so aroused, he must really be into it to tell I'm not. I release my wolf. In a blink my canines are into his throat. I pull back, I literally ripped out his throat! He died instantly.

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