Chapter 12

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~ Violet

I had to think how to answer his questions.

"My pack is an elite team that receives our instructions from the Goddess through our medium. It consists of mostly body guards and warriors, and a handful of assassins. Everyone is required to be trained in one. Only the best are trained to be assassins." I speak soft and smooth, watching the King's face. He studies my face while holding the hand of his mate, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles.

"What are you trained as, Violet?" He asks firmly, tapping his foot anxiously.

"Being a child of the alpha, I'm expected to be trained in all three, however I did not complete the assassin course." He nods, satisfied with my answer.

"Now I can tell you what is relevant to our current mission the Goddess has instructed. Mainly because it has to do with your son." The king shifted in his seat and furrowed his brows as he glanced at the Queen. His grip tightens on her hand.

I place my hand on top of their joined hands. They freeze for a moment and look into my eyes. "I want you to know, your grandfather, and fathers, and your prayers has been heard. The Goddess has determined that it's time to wake the wolves."

I put my hands back in my lap. The Kings eyes opens wide, and his smile touches his eyes. He looks to his mate and pulls her into his chest. She wraps her arms around his torso. They wail with excitement. They're reaction is eye opening. We pray and get answers all the time. They pray unsure their voice is heard. It's like we have lost this part because we're close to our Goddess. It's good to step back and see true reverance from outside our pack.

After a few minutes their excitement dies down, and tears of joy falls down their cheeks.

"How does it begin?" Finding his voice.

"Our Goddess wants to start at the top with the new king. Once he has trained his wolf, a ceremony and/or ritual will be done for the Bata, delta, and gamma that are under the new king. After they have trained their wolves, the same will be done for servants and members that surrounds the palace. Then same process for each pack."

"Train his wolf? Why do our wolves have to be trained?" He asks perplexed.

"The wolves have been sleeping for generations now. And they do have thoughts, feelings, and desires. They are still carnal creatures so they only care about a few things: themselves, their mate, their pack. The Goddess has put them in a human vessel to contain and control them. With each new rebirth they get to know their new human for the first sixteen years. By then the wolf has bonded to it's new master and obeys him. And allows them the shift into the wolf's form and use its abilities.

However, since these wolves had never had a chance to get to know their human counterparts they will be waking to total strangers. They will be confused and scared, just like a wild wolf, which means they're dangerous. They'll be more likely to hurt someone or themselves."

"So how is my son going to train his wolf?" The king asks.

"He will have to go to my pack. They will protect him and teach your son all he needs to know, and more. When he feels like he has his wolf under control, he will return and take the throne. Has he been able to use his ability? For what I understand, all Alpha's and their children have partial use."

They are visually stung after I mention he has to leave. The king recovers slightly to answer my question.

"Yes. He has been able to change the weather since he was very young. It was a bit problematic through adolescence, but he has it under control."

"How so? Anyone get hurt?" I ask. I smile, because they sound like my parents.

"His power would run off emotions. When he was sad it would rain, upset a thunderstorm, inside the palace. Thing got wet, but were replaceable. No one got hurt." He replies.

I chuckle. Sounds like my teen years, but all that happened before my first shift. Calypso helped me rein in my emotional outbursts. I almost removed the training arena with a tornado when I was getting frustrated with a skill I was struggling with.

"Oh I see, we can help him with that if he needs any." I cover my goofy grin.

The queen could not hold in her distress anymore. "He'll have to leave! To a pack I'm just learning about! How can I be sure he will be safe?! How do I know you are not kidnappers?!" The Queen's voice shrills.

"He will be safe," I say smoothly. I take her hand with both of mine and rub my thumbs on the top of her hand. She relaxes, but has desperation in her eyes. "My pack has sent bodyguards here since he was a child. They have always been with him, day and night. Your son is very important in the Goddess plan, and can not be done without him." She smiles and seems to understand, and maybe relieved. She sits back down and takes her mates hand again.

"How does my son's wolf get awakened?" He asks.

"The only one who can wake his wolf is his true mate. He'll have to complete the matebond...process. During that time, her wolf will stimulate his wolf awake." Why is this part so awkward for me? Oh yeah, I'm talking to his parents about what I eventually have to do.

"But there is bad news. The assassins know this information too. There is an enemy out there that doesn't want our kind to have our wolves back. With werewolves out of the way, vampires and sorcerers have climbed to the top and have been running things. They want to keep it that way.

Recently I was informed that they have been capturing our kind and used black magic to force their wolves awake. But not for the individual's good, but to make them zombie slaves.

They are described as being in human form or wolf. Emotionless and empty behind the eyes. Wolfsbaine is the only way to free the wolf from the curse, however it kills the wolf aswell."

"Ok, I'll spread the word and get some wolfsbaine and arm my guards. So now we are looking for my son's mate then?" He states.

"I guess so, but I don't understand how sending the girls into the colosseum in these contests prove your son's mate is one of the girls here." I say not hiding my dissatisfaction. This has been bothering me since I came here.

"Oh, well in our studies we found without the matebond, there are other things that happen between the true mates that give it away. So this contest is done to give the male enough time to figure it out. When he feels one is not the one, she is dismissed."

"But with these battles, what if his true mate is killed. Then the effort to find her is for nothing."

"I don't think so. A true mate will defeat all odds to get to her mate. They are naturally drawn to eachother and cannot resist their pull." He says annoyed. He diverts his eyes. I see I'm not going to win this debate. He really is stubborn with this contest.

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