Ural Mountain Pack

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It took a few weeks for Leo, Sabastian, and Violet to make it to the pack house which is at the highest point in the territory of Violet's pack, Ural Mountain Pack. They had to stop at different elevations to allow their bodies to adjust to the changes of altitude. Many platues for housing and farming were cleared and leveled in the nooks and crannies that made up the territory.

The car would only take them to the base of the mountain. They were met by five other members to help carry luggage and be guides. The guilds lead them to a hidden entrance to a narrow spiral staircase that's carved out of the mountains interior straight up.

Once the group made it to the top, a cable car was waiting for them. A series of cableways would take them to many different elevations drop off/pick up points. A lodge was built at 1,500 meters, there nurses are stationed with equipment to treat hypoxia, plenty of food, and water. Roughly three days is needed for their bodies acclimate. Then on to the next point where another lodge for the next 1,500 meters for another three days.

The pack territory isn't any higher but the cableway will take them deeper into the mountains. They can see fog hug the mountain tops, and goats and deer graze below.

Leo and Violet tell stories of life on the cliffs, and adventures in the sky. Leo explained after the invention of elevators it was quickly utilized here and got the pack out of the dark ages. My modernization were brought a little at a time. Solar panels and batteries storage was the largest additions.

It used to take months to go for supplies before the cableway was put in. New technology and discoveries help with farming bringing more food into the storage silos.

Sabastian was eager to know everything. Leo and Violet are very patient and answer his questions. Violet laughs at the thought of Tiki, the pack shaman, with Sabastian. She's going to have her hands full. She smiles at his enthusiasm and wonders how he was as a child.

Once in the pack house, they meet in the alphas' office. They discuss the completion of the matebond process, the marriage ritual, and Sebastian's first shift. There would be multiple meetings on the plan to start waking more wolves. The alpha estimates three to six months before Sabastian would be ready to go back and claim his throne and implementing the steps to the plans they discuss.

After the meeting Violet and Sabastian went to their room to unpack, shower and settle. Violet gives Sabastian a tour of the grounds. He looks like a kid in a candy store. He wants to see everything. He had no fear crossing the wooden rope bridges that stretch the 50-100 ft to adjacent landings where our indoor training arena and track.

He enjoys the walk through the packs many greenhouses and tiered gardens. He has an interesting conversation with the pack members who tend the garden about how the irrigation systems work and rare fruit trees they got to grow in this altitude.

Violet introduced him to key members who are in charge of the worriors training, bodyguard training, and he already knew who trained assassins, Leo. He got to meet the Beta, Samuel, Delta, Tom and Gamma, Joe that morning at the meeting. Then they had a visit with Tiki.

The old woman checks him all over, and has him sit so she could look into his eyes. She presses her thumb between his brows. She could see and feel Sebastian's wolf, awake but weak and drowsy, but still of good health. She releases her gaze and sits across him.

Tiki gives him a history lesson starting at a time before the wolves slept, and this packs calling ever since. She explains her role as our medium whose the voice of our Goddess.

She expresses how pleased the Goddess is with his families efforts to their worship. Many blessings are to be expected. Tiki tells him if he has the same faith and trust that got him here into the next stage of our Goddesses plan, he would not be left alone. He would have his mate and all the power he could handle. If he comes to a crossroad and don't know what to do, ask Her she will answer.

Violet and Sabastian left Tiki's hut with new determination and felt some of the wieght of their responsibility lift. The yoke they carry is held with honor and not felt as a burden. They both feel strongly for their mission and purpose in life.

Together with their Goddess help and guidance they will set in motion the events to wake the wolves. The enemy of their kind has failed to prevent Violet and Sabastian from coming together, however they will continue to bring trouble.

The pair will endure for their people. How do you get stronger? You keep pressing on, wear out your enemy before they do you. Endurance takes training, and training takes time. Strength comes in many forms, they must utilize them all if they want to stay ahead of those who wish to keep the werewolf down.

For Sabastian and Violet, it's just the beginning.

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