Chapter 39

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~ Violet

Dominic introduces me to a few nobles. They are polite and ask me a few questions about my pack. They were surprised we had electricity and cable TV. What, does everyone think we were stuck in the dark ages? I didn't tell them how we got access to these luxuries, plus they didn't care.

We then came across Beta Keith and his wife. They were a matching color scheme like Dominic. How cute the whole family matches.

"Hello Mother, Father." Dominic says.

"Hello. Beta Keith, your wife it looking well. Sabastian was telling me she had fallen ill."

He smiles and pulls her close, "Yeah, I thought I'd lose her, but she's doing better. This is Mary."

I shake her hand, "A pleasure." Mary replys.

"Does your pack throw grand balls like this, Violet?" She asks.

"No, we don't entertain. But we do throw big feast Spring and Fall in honor of our Goddess. He have a large hall to fit everyone in the pack." I explain...for the hundredth time. Why do people like balls?!

"You are quite secluded up there. I curious how your pack has gone so long without be found. Your pack is such a mystery, it's fascinating." Keith exclaims.

I look away and fidget. I don't want to talk about my pack.

"You're not missing anything, all work and no play. I'd say only since I left that I have had fun at all. Every waking hour was dedicated to school and physical training."I say hoping that would be enough.

"All work and no play isn't good dear. Did you even get a chance to be a kid? Make friends? Play games?" Mary asks putting her hand on mine. She had pity in her eyes.

"We played games, but it was usually strategy games. We have to sacrifice many things for our cause. Our time is valuable, I'm hope now that I'm here I can use my time for the good of our kind and be successful in our goal." My voice smooth and calm. I look to were Sabastian is then back to Dominic.

Who is suddenly tense. He looks down and furrows his brows. "And what exactly is your packs cause for these sacrifices."

"Dominic. My cause is the same as yours. I know you care about Sabastian, so do I. More than I can say. Our kind was not ment to be left in this weakened state. Many thousands of my pack members alone have died for this cause and there's more of our kind dying as we get closer.

That wolf that I killed in the colosseum is gone, never to be reborn again. It's mate will forever be alone now. Your not looking at the big picture. Sacrifices have to be made, whether we want to or not. Keeping me away from Sabastian isn't the answer." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"What makes you say that?" Keith asks.

"Do you really think they're gonna stop trying to kill him? Do you think Joy or any of those other girls have it in them to protect him? I've trained my whole life for this, I'm very lethal with good reason. Did you not see me in the colosseum? Do you not see my power? I've trained as a bodyguard and almost finished my course as an assassin. So I know how they think. They don't attack when the target is around a bunch of people. I already saved him twice. I'm the one whose destined to protect him. That is my cause. Everything else is extra." I say all this with passion in my voice. It was almost a plea to get them to understand. 

Mary pulls me into her arms to embrace me. I didn't really expect it. I feel like I said too much. Dominic is clenching his jaw.

"Dear, we believe in you. We love Sabastian as our own son and want him to be happy. I think maybe we were wrong about you. We saw your strength and power as a danger to him. Never thinking it was for a shield." Mary whispers into my ear.

I pull back,"I would never hurt Sabastian, he's my mate, Calypso would never allow anyone to harm him. I would sacrifice my body." I say laughing.

Beta Keith and Mary look at each other.

"Your wolf is Calypso? Then that means..." Keith says slowly.

"Sabastian has Maximus!" Mary finishes.

I cup her face, "Listen to me. When Sebastian's wolf wakes he'll have the most powerful wolf our Goddess created. That is what the enemy fears. They won't be able to touch him. Don't you see now why I must be with him?"

They nod but Dominic has left.

"Excuse me, may I cut in?"

I turn to see Sabastian. I didn't see him come so I don't know how much he heard.

"Mama Mary! So glad you're looking better!" He pulls her into a hug. "Beta Keith." He shakes his hand.

He turns to me and pulls me close by my hips.

"You have been hiding on me all day. I think I won't let you out of my sight the rest of the evening." His voice playful.

"Well, I was in safe hands. And besides, you kept your self busy." I pout.

"Jealous are we?" He whispers into my ear.

"Maybe.." I say coyly.

He nods to Keith and Mary as he leads me on to the floor. We start to dance, but he has both hands on my hips. Both my hands are behind his neck.

"I had to dance with them first, to get it out of the way. I see Dominic kept you busy while you waited." He says with a wink.

"Yeah, well I think he is drunk. He was way too nice to me and his hands liked to wander. I think I liked him better when he didn't like me." I laugh.

His brows furrow as he speaks, "I'll have a talk with him. Why didn't you come to me?"

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