Chapter 25

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~ Prince

Violet's parents excuse themselves from the table. Violet kept drawing on the top of my hand. I look to Leo still eating.

"So Leo, what am I to expect when my wolf wakes up?" I ask casually.

He looks up. Raising an eyebrow, "Expect? Let me ask you something first. Did your father brief you on what Violet told him the day he received Jordan's letter?"

"My father had me sit and discuss his findings. He gave me the letter to read, it was quiet the novel. I pretty excited about actually going to see your hidden pack. How you lived, and most importantly, how you worship our Goddess to receive such an honor. I'd get a better understanding of our kind and what was lost.

My grandfather, and my father searched their whole life to the mystery of finding mates. Only to recover a few details." I reply.

Now, Leo is willing to share more. I now feel more focused. And the fact Violet stopped touching me helps. Her touch is even starting to drive me bonkers.

"Ok, good. So to answer what to expect as in physical changes?" He clarifies. I nod. "You will experience heightened senses, hearing, smell, ect. You'll see in your mind's eyes your wolf's movement, his voice, thoughts and feelings will come to your subconscious as a separate entity.

You can expect your wolf to be disoriented, lost. He won't know you and will resist your control. If he is waken to early or suddenly, it is very dangerous not only to yourself but everyone around you. You're only saving grace will be your mate. He will know his mate, she will calm him until you establish dominance with him. That's why its important to come to our pack as soon as he is awaken. You're wolf is a very ancient and powerful wolf. Our Goddess has given you him because there are many trials awaiting you for this transition. With him, you will succeed."

"Do you think I'm ready for him to be awaken now?" I ask shakey. I'm not sure if I'm ready for all that. But I need to know his opinion.

"No, Sabastian. You need to have a bond with your mate before he's fully awake. That's why it's important you don't rush things. This contest your family has created will be a good way of doing this. The process is slow but meaningful. You will need to trust your mate intirly, your fears, your insecurities what have you.

I understand your a young hormonal male, with six beautiful women to choose from, but you have to refrain from...relations and give the bond a chance to strengthen. If you sleep with your mate before he's ready, it will jerk him awake. He may wake every now and then but will go back to sleep. Completing the matebond by the act of mating is what keeps him awake.

Kissing is one thing, intercourse is something...intimate. Understand?" Leo explains.

"Ok, explain this process to me. And the matebond." I say leaning on the table.

"Its simple; courting, marking, and mating. This is how to complete a matebond. The matebond is like a tether between you and your mate. Its weak at first, but the more you are around each other the stronger it gets. It creates emotions and attraction to encourage the bond a chance to strengthen."

Makes sense, it also answers my question I had earlier. Our bond must have gotten stronger when I stayed with her in the hospital. Especially skin to skin. I haven't thought about the other five women since then either.

I need to refrain, but my body wants her so bad it hurts. Literally my dick hurts, what the hell. There must be a way to relieve the pressure other than sex.

Violet has been sitting next to me quietly this whole time. Her legs crossed, the end of her fork between her teeth. Apparently she finished eating the food on her plate. And she ate mine!

She notices me looking at her now. The one corner of her lips rise. She shrugs, then winks. Yeah...refraining is going to be tough.

I stand and lean over the bar, trying to bring my arousal down. I want so bad to tell her we're mates. I can't seem...

Violet brushes her shoulder across my back then giggles. I look over at her. She's put the dishes in the sink. I shake my head.

I can't seem to get it out of my mouth. I'm nervous, I've been searching for her for years, in every pack. Go figure she's was in a pack I never knew we had!


What the hell? Did she just smack my ass with a towel?! I look over my shoulder to see her cleaning the table. What is she up to?




I listen to Leo's explanation. He has done a lot better than I would have. And Sabastian seems to trust and believe him. What would I do without that cantankerous old man. I'm still hungry so I finish my cold scramble eggs and bacon.

I spy his plate, an idea comes to mind. Calypso sits happily and wags her tail. He's absorbed in Leo's explanation, I slid his plate closer to me. I keep watch out of the corner of my eye as I devour the food. I push the empty plate back where he had it.

Rejoicing in my small victory I cross my legs and absentmindedly chew on the end of my fork. Calypso spins and barks.

Leo finishes his lecture, and I feel eyes on me. I see Sabastian, his gaze is intense. He looks at my plate, than his. His face is priceless. Pure satisfaction washes over me. I can't help myself. A half smile appears, I shrug and wink at him. His arousal has returned just like that, thick in the air. I'm such a tease. That will teach him from holding out on me.

Leo stands, tugging the bottom of his shirt he looks to me.

"Don't forget, Violet, we have a meeting with your sponsor and we have a training session afterwards. You have twenty minutes."

Then he reaches his hand across the table to Sabastian, who takes it and shakes. He turns and heads toward the living room. Then I hear the front door shut.

Now I'm alone with the Prince. What can we do in twenty minutes. Damn this matebond is a powerful force. My wolf spins and drops into a play stance. Let's play.

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