Chapter 15

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~ Violet

I open my eyes, staring at the light pink canopy over my bed. Two days left, and it's Joy's day to fight. I hope Stacey is ok, I never did get to check on her. She leaves for the palace to start her life as a servant. If I hurry I can get see her.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. My body is so sore from last night. My head is pounding from too much alchohol. It was a challenge fighting two full grown males. I underestimated them, thinking their wolves were asleep.

This only proves that the vampires and sorcerers are working together. They hide the black magic so well until they shifted into their wolves.

No eyes in their head just a dark deep sapphire blue light swirling like a whirlpool. They were mindless animals, foaming at the mouth like rabies. I had to shift to beat them. I used the dagger Leo gave me and stabbed their hearts just to make sure.

I took a shower when I got back. I noticed a few hickeys on my neck from that jerk vampire.

I shake my head at the memory and stand up and get dressed. I open the door to find Sabastian waiting. He looks angry.

I furrow my brows, "What's wrong?"

"You need to come with me to the holding cell. I have some questions for you." His gruff Russian accent laced with aggravation.

"Am I under arrest?" My anxiety spikes.

"If you come quietly I may be able to get you a lesser punishment." Grabing my arm and leading me to a small black car.

He opens the door, I get in. After shutting the door, he comes around the front of the car and gets into the drivers seat. As he's driving his jaw is clutching and it gripping the wheel white knuckles. He won't look or speak to me. I just stare out my window wondering what happened. Calypso just whines. It's storming with thunder and lightning. Is he making this storm? 

We pull up to the security building in front of the jailhouse. He turns off the engine, then looks at me. You can feel the static in the air.

"Whatever happened last night, I'm sure there was a good reason. But I need a statement. Don't lie to me Violet or so help me, I'll execute you myself."

He walks me into a standard interrogation room. A table, a chair on each side. The door and two way mirror. I sit in the chair against the wall, Sabastian sits in the other.

He hands me a piece of paper and a pen. "We want to know what happened after you left the pub."

So I write down about the three men I saw at the pub, what happened to Stacey, and the vampire. Then the altercation between the two men, who were cursed with black magic. Which I had to kill. Then I hand him the paper. He reads it over then leans over and grabs my chin to look at my neck. I blush at this and look at my hands.

He sits down, more aggravated than before. "Vampires usually bite, not give hickeys." He hisses through he teeth.

"Apparently you're confusing me with an idiot. I am just as perplexed as you. I thought I was going to die." I snap. "I've never seen a vampire before. And those men were cursed. Who were they anyway?"

"They were friends of mine, other royal guards. And what they were doing to Stacey was completely legal. She lost in the Colosseum, which gives them the right." He sigh pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What? That terrible! You don't seriously condone that kind of behavior do you?" I ask, mortified.

"I don't like it but that's the price they pay for a chance with the prince." He seems to clam down. "The bodies are being investigated, but I'll have to keep you locked up. In the meantime my residents are not going to understand about curses, they just know you killed my people, which isn't tolerated."

"If they were your friends, then I did you a favor." I sigh, combing my fingers through my hair. "For what I saw, they weren't who the used to be, Sabastian. I looked into their eyes, they were empty...soulless. Slaves to the black magic and its wielder. They would have killed you without a second thought." I say gently.

I reach for his hand, but he drew it back. He's looking away clenching his jaw again. I'm getting angry. What was I supposed to do, let them kill me.

"How should I have done it differently, they were trying to rip my throat out. " I growl through my teeth. "Am I not allowed to defend myself against your people? Cursed or not?"

"Of course, that's why there are investigations. But I wish you could have captured them alive", He says exasperated."And what the hell were you thinking, Violet? You don't need to be a damn hero! You put yourself in unnecessary trouble, this isn't your pack. You can't do whatever the hell you want!" A crack of thunder booms outside. Yeah he's causing this storm.

"And do what with them, Sabastian? There is no cure. Keeping the poor animals in chains? Leo said our scientists are working on a cure, with no luck. This is a new kind of tactic the enemy is using."

"Who's Leo?" He says finally.

"He's like a royal guard, but from my pack and retired assassin. He's here with me to help train and protect me, like a guardian.

He has also been keeping the King informed about the enemy since they received my parents letter." Still annoyed.

This is not getting us anywhere. Calypso is getting on my nerves with her whining. She doesn't like our mate upset. My guts are in knots and I still have no clue what's going to happen. I'm on the verge to explode if I don't get answers soon.

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