Round 3: Courting

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~ Violet

I'm sitting next to Joy in our seats in the ballroom. Classical music is playing from the live band in the corner. The food looks and smells delicious near the back. The royals are in their seats on my left.

King Russell has made the announcement to open the festivities and the beginning of round three. The other girls have already gotten up to explore the ballroom. Sabastian has disappeared from the front.

"This ballroom is something, ours is only half this size." Joy exclaims. "Do you have balls back home?"

"No, we don't have balls. We do have a large food hall with a few fire pits. We're a little barbaric when it comes to parties." I say with a laugh. "You can say we don't entertain very often. "

"Oh damn really? So this must be really boring for you!"

"Yeah, I'm sure building a fire and dancing naked around it would be frowned upon." I say with a straight face. I hide my amusement. 

"Now that would liven it up in here." Sabastian says coyly.

He comes out from my right with three flutes of champagne. He hands Joy and I one. I sip it, this has a citrus flavor.

His black and silver suit looks good on him. It really makes his blue eyes pop and his hair slicked back looks sexy. He sips his champagne sucking in his bottom lip. My eyes fall to his lips then back to his eyes. He winks as he moves to Joy.

"Care to dance, Joy?" He asks holding out his hand to her.

She nods and puts her hand in his. I cross my legs and look around. I don't want to make eye contact to show my disappointment. Maybe he's punishing me for avoiding him today.

Fine, I can play keep away all night. Besides it should make the night less boring. I sip my champagne like it's not bothering me. Dominic sits down next to me with a glass of wine.

I turn my body towards him. He's wearing a blue and black suit. His dark hair styled with gel with a messy sexy look. His green hazel eyes pierce into mine, a smile playing on his lips.

"Violet, you look stunning tonight." He says smoothly with his thick russian accent. He pulls at my earring letting his finger tip brush my cheek.

I lean back a bit,"Um, thanks Dominic. I was hoping to hear that from Sabastian first, but he appears to be busy." I gesture to the Prince waltzing with Joy.

"Yeah, I noticed he wasn't dancing with you. It came to me as a surprise. I'm glad he's finally taking some of my advice. Perhaps you would like a dance with me. I know he wouldn't mind." He says as he stands up and faces me.

Although his comments stung, I need to do something than sit here all night. I set my glass down next to his and nod as I take his hand. He twirls me than places my hand under his right arm.

He finds a spot and faces me. His take my right hand into his large firm hand, placing his right on my hip. I place my left on his shoulder.

In the class with Arthur, he told me to let the man lead, whether I liked it or not. So I waited for Dominic to make the first move. I smile politely as he looks down at me. I can't seem to read his expression. He takes the first step and I follow.

His emotionless face starts to lighten as he realizes I'm letting him lead. I figured he assumed I'd try to push my dominance. He smerks as he takes his eyes off me to look around. I wonder if I'm being watched.

"I'm impressed Violet. You dance so well, I'd even say graceful." He whispers into my ear.

His lips so close his breath tickles my ear. "Dancing is similar to fighting, choreographed moves done at certain times." I say simply.

"Leave it to you to find something about battle in something as beautiful as dancing." He say smugly. "Although I'd love to hear that song again you played for dinner. You play so passionately. I felt the music in my heart. I don't think I have ever heard a pan flute before. And you made it from the reeds from the river. You truly have many skills." He twirls me and pulls my back to his chest. The song ends.

He guides me to the horderves."So I see I've changed your opinion of me?" I ask.

"I wouldn't go that far. Sabastian has a particular taste, but you're getting there. I didn't expect you to let me lead." He says as he grabs a few pastries.

I grab a handful of grapes. "You would be surprised what you learn once you get to know me." I pop a grape in my mouth then I toss one at Dominic.

It bounces off his chest, he catches it in time and eats it. I giggle as his smerks. I grab a glass of wine. I saw Sabastian now dancing with one of the other girls. However I noticed he kept looking over at us.

"Something tells me you may be right. You are quite the puzzle. You perplex and intrigue me at the same time." His voice is more cocky.

His attitude towards me has made me uneasy. I think I liked him better when he didn't like me. I also think he's drunk because he is very flirtatious than I'm used to and his hands are getting more bold.

"Dominic, why don't you introduce me to some of these people." I whisper. He nods and put my hand on his forearm.

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