Chapter 18

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I decide to check on Violet an hour after she left. I knock on the door, I hear movement but no answer. I'm going in, something is wrong. I open the door to Leo leaning over her shaking her shoulders gently and sitting her up.

"What's wrong? She okay?" I say quickly running to help him.

"I don't know. She won't wake up. She's burning up. We need to get her to the infirmary", he says feeling her forehead.

I nod and he cradles her in his arms as we hurry to my car. My heart is pounding the whole drive. I don't understand, she looked fine when she left. It was only seven lashes. Maybe she's not as strong as she puts on. Leo keeps her on his lap checking her pulse and breathing.

I pull up to the door, the car still rolling as Leo opens the car door and leaps out, Violet still in his arms. Inside she is put on a stretcher and is rolled into an emergency room.

The nurses put breathing mask on and heart monitors electrodes while another is putting in an IV. Once an IV is in they take blood samples and leave quickly to test it.

Leo sits in an empty chair in the corner. I walk over to the side of her bed. Her breathing is fast and shallow. Sweat beads on her forehead. A nurse comes in and hangs a bag of fluid and hooks it up to her IV.

Then pulls down a basin from a cabinet above the sink. She puts the basin under the faucet and turns on the cold water. As it fills she grabs some washrags from the cabinet as well. 

After turning off the water she brings the basin to the side table. "If you want to help her, take this rag and put it on her forehead. We need to try and cool her down." Then the nurse leaves.

Leo stands and reaches into the basin and rings out a rag and places it on her forehead. I'm beginning to freak out. I put both hands in to my hair.

Leo looks at me and smoothly tells me to calm down. He let's me know she's waking. Suggests for me to hold her hand. He steps out of the way pulling a chair next to her bed. I sit and cup her hand. The beeping from the heart monitors evens out to a steady rhythm. Her breathing regulates, my heart flutters when I see her smile.

Leo wants me to continue to hold her hand, pah! Try stopping me pal. Then he leaves to tell the doctor. She squeezes my hand, like she's afraid I'm going somewhere.

I want to be closer to her. I study the bed she laying in. It looks big enough for me too. I stand and sit on the side of the bed. Anxiety rising my heartbeat and my breath is climbing as I lift her up and carefully put my arm under her head. I lye next to her body, throwing my legs up and pulling her to my chest. Taking her off her back and on to her side.

She puts her hand on my chest and starts pulling at my shirt. She pulled so hard she pops a few buttons off. She wants more skin I take it. I unbutton the rest and adjust it so her face is on my chest. Her cheeks feel boiling hot, but she releases a sigh of relief. She snuggles in, pressing her body closer, there's no space between us. Why does this feel so natural?

I must of dozed off, the doctor and Leo are standing by the bed. Violet is still sleeping on my chest. I yawn then look at them.

"What's going on? Did the test results come back?"

The doctor walk over to me,"Yes. We found traces of wolfsbaine in her blood. Whatever You're doing has stabilised her. We're administering the antidote into her IV now"

"I don't understand. Wolfsbaine?" I say perplexed.

Leo informs me,"Its a wild flower, but its toxic to our kind. It's what I told your father to put on the blades of your guards sword to kill the cursed wolves. They found traces of it in the lacerations on her back from the whip when they changed her dressings."

Rage fills me, I feel stirring in the back of my mind. Thunder rolls from outside. Someone sabotaged the whip, the whole thing is a set up by the enemy. I understand why they go after me, but why her?

"Did you call my father? I want this investigated now!" I hiss through my teeth.

"I'm on it, your highness." The doctor exclaims and leaves the room.

I look at Leo as he sits in the chair I pulled up to the bed earlier. "What have you done to Violet to stabilize her? I just layed here with her."

"Well there's no way to avoid this conversation anymore. Sabastian, only through the matebond can you heal the other half from the brink of death. Your skin to skin contact is what saved her. Let's hope her wolf is not too weak. You stay like that a few more hours and you'll see."

I'm stupefied. I scrutinize his face, my mind whirling. Did he say matebond?! Then that means...what the hell?

"Matebond? Does she know? I mean can she tell that I'm her mate? Um and are you sure, because this could all be coincidental", I finally say.

"I'm not sure if she knows. I was quickly briefed on the plan before I came here to help her. You Father should have shared that letter with you. It spells it out in there." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"I read it, but it said nothing about Violet being my mate. Why would they tell me everything else, but leave that out?" I reply aggravated.

"I'm not sure, all I know is it's all part of our Goddess' plan to wake the wolves. Violet is the key to unlock this spell, only she can wake your wolf. It wasn't long after Violet arrived here when the enemy found out she is your mate. That's why they are after her too." Leo explains.

Looking down at her. It appears she is out cold. She has no clue about this conversation. I feel like I can trust Leo, however he could be saying this to give Violet an edge in the competition. I don't know, we'll see. I don't want to get my hopes up. I still have to figure out how I'm going to reveal my identity. And now there is this new information.

I'm already getting attached and starting to have feelings for her. Which is new to me, I don't let anyone in. How did she slip past my radar if not but be my mate? Right now I know she is attracted to me and not my crown. Will that change after she knows who I really am?

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