Chapter 28

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~ Prince

Violet is on top of me, my hair still twisted into her fingers. I have her wrist that firmly holds her butterfly knife. Her face is held in pure shock as she rocks back onto her heels. She is now soaking wet from the splash as she fell on top of me.

Water drips down her jawline, down her chin then falls. More water coming from her hair drips down her neck, swaying left to right as it makes its way into her cleavage. How I wish I was that drop of water.

I can't help but laugh as I let go of her wrist and sit up. My other hand braces her lower back so she doesn't fall off my lap.

"Are you laughing at me?! I could have killed you Sabastian!" She shrieks splashing water in my face.

She goes to get up but I grab her hips pulling her back down. As she plops back down, water splashes us again. Her hand that was in my hair slide down to the back of my neck. Her other hand is on my shoulder. She looks at me annoyed at first, then she starts laughing histarically.

I've never heard her laugh before so hearing her now it' more than that but I can't think of a better word. She's holding her side and wiping a tear from her eye. I take her in and laugh along, although I have no clue what has struck her.

After settling down I ask her what's so funny. She reaches for my face, with her thumb she wipes off the mud on my forehead and shows it to me. Evidently our thrashing in the water has stirred the water around us. I beam at her amusement.

I scoop her up as I stand, and she firmly wraps her arms around my neck. I laugh as I do. Then I walk out of the river and sit in the sun on the grass.

"I'm glad you find me amusing, Violet. Your laughter is music to my ears." I confess.

She flashes pink cheeks and looks away. Yes...I love her shy, gentle side.

I thought maybe things would change after my identity was out in the open. I'm so relieved! It did with the other five girls, which I expected, and I don't care. After this morning, tasting her..if there were any doubts before, I got my confirmation.

Violet has changed, but for the better. She seems more comfortable around me than before. Her attitude this morning at the table only proves my title doesn't intimidate her. It also means she is more interested in me and not the benefits. She must know I'm her mate now. How to bring it up casually.

"What are you doing here in the river?" She asks as she turns her back to me, opening my legs so she can sit. She leans against my chest and looks up at me, waiting for my response.

"Fishing." I say simply.

She looks around confused. "Where is your fishing pole?"

"I don't use one. I like to fish with my hands. It's more of a challenge. In some countries it's called noodling." I explain.

"Where or who taught you that?" She pulls her knees to her chest.

I pull at her hair tie causing her hair to ripple down on my chest. I gather a few locks in my hand and bury my nose into the soft curly feel of it. I didn't notice before how she smells of cherry blossoms. I love that scent, reminds me of playing in my mother's orchard as a child.

"An alpha from the US territory. I think he's out of Georgia. I usually fish with Dominic. He was busy today. And what are you doing here?" She had leaned forward enough where I comb my fingers through her hair. I peek around to see her expression. Her eyes are closed and she's smiling. She likes this, good, me too.

"Oh right, I needed some reeds that grow here. which reminds me, I better go get them." She says standing. She still has her knife out.

"Why?" I'm disappointed she got up. I lean back on my elbows.

Violet wades back into the water towards the plants. She turns back with a hand on her hip.

"Because that's where they grow." Her voice sarcastic. I laugh.

She begins cutting the river reeds. After she cuts eight to ten of them she makes her way back and sits down next to me. I look at her firmly. She giggles and rolls her eyes.

"It's for a project I'm doing. A...surprise for my dinner and a show." She waves her hand at me.

I watch her strip each reed of the green outer skin. She has such a skill with that knife. It reminds me of her more dominant, stronge, lethal side.

Without looking at me asks,"Did you catch any fish yet?"

"Yes, actually I did. Why? You hungry?" I reply standing. I go get the fish and lay them next to her. Then lay on my side close enough to touch her hair again.

"Well I didn't have lunch yet. I have somethings to do before I have to get ready for dinner at the palace tonight." She says finishing skinning the reeds.

"You have plenty of time. May I look at your knife?" I ask holding out my hand.

She looks at it then my hand." Be careful it's sharp." Putting the handle in the center of my palm.

The handle is curved to fit in small hands. It's shaped like a wolf howling, a small amethyst jewel for the eye. The blade is a six inch black two edge dagger, not including handle. One is a straight edge, which was the side I notice she uses the most due to more nicks. The other snakes it's way to the tip. The point narrows to a fine point.

I pull at the handle so it splits,then folding it back over the blade. I go to hand it back.

"Keep it. I notice you don't keep a pocket knife or anything. It would make me feel better knowing you had it if something were to happen." As she puts her hand up.

"Violet, I don't even know how to use it." I say perplexed.

"That's ok, I'll teach you." She says taking my hand with knife into hers, she winks.

This may be fun.

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