Round 2: Domestic

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We're sitting in our places at the dinning table. The table set and the girls file in. Violet pulled this card, however Angel is the one who come to sit next to me. Violet sits in an empty chair next to Joy. The girls are dressed semi formal in all different colors.

Violet wears a light blue v-neck short sleeve blouse with matching flowing skirt that stops just above the knees. Her hair in a messy bun. I can smell the cherry blossoms already.

Angel has her hair pulled back into a braid. She is wearing a too bright pink tank top and black capris. She has way too much perfume on. I have to blow my nose to tolerate it.

The food is served, it smells delicious. I see blini drizzled with a strawberry syrup a dollop of cream cheese and a light dusting of confectioners sugar. Father starts to eat, soon we were all eating.

It was very good, Angel was really sweet. We talked about her mainly. Her family, vacationing, and her pets. Besides the strong perfume I enjoyed the conversation. However I had trouble focusing, I kept an ear and an eye always toward Violet.

I can hear Joy how surprised she was, seeing Angel sitting next to me this morning, she thought this was her meal. So did I but something is amiss. I gathered Violet told Joy what card she pulled. Violet explains that she switched recipes with Angel. I want to know why.

After we were almost done I excused myself, I got up and started walking down behind the girls. I stop at Violet's chair, I bend down and whisper into her ear to come.

She wipes her mouth and puts the napkin on top of her plate. She stands and follows me. We stepped out into the hallway. She has her back to the wall, her head is down, looking at her shoes. I lean my hand against the wall near her head.

"Why did you switch meals with Angel?" I ask smoothly. 

She looks around then up into my eyes. "Well she was so sad at the water fountain last night. She wanted so bad to impress you, but I guess she didn't feel confident with the card she pulled. Your father never said we couldn't switch. I felt bad."

I couldn't help but smile. She really is caring and kind. She reminds me of my mother everday.

Leo bursts through the door. "Sabastian! Something is wrong with Angel come quickly!"

I rush into the dinning room over to where she is. Angel has collapsed on the ground, she starts to vomit. I scoop her up, I look to my father.

"Don't let the servants pick up the table. I want a full investigation. Violet, come with me."

With that I rush Angel to the hospital. Violet close to my heels.

After Leo and his crew did a full investigation, they found the silverware has been soaked in wolfsbaine. Angel was not the target, no one knew about the switch until she sat next to me instead of Violet. The paper with the list of the meal orders were on my father's desk.

No one was supposed to see it and as far as I know no one shared their recipe except Violet. I didn't expect her to be so trusting.

Someone could have seen the list on the desk. I don't know, but Violet isn't safe. The attacks have shifted from me to her.

I got Angel to the hospital in time but she'll be going home once she's well. The rest of the meals were under higher security so no more poisoning.

Violet had a close call when she turned the stove on to bake the lamb. Whether she admits it or not, I know her wolf is awake. She smelled the gas filling the kitchen before lighting the stove. Leo investigated the kitchen and found the gas line was cut. Luckily a werewolf sense of smell was strong enough to detect it.

She ended up cooking the food in the kitchen at the guesthouse and set up the dinning room for the meal there. The pelmenti was phenomenal even better than mother's, though I'd never tell her.

I started staying at the guesthouse, in a different room of coarse. I heighten security there. The rest of the meals went well and round two was soon over. My father was pleased with all of the food. At the end of the last meal he announced this round finished.

I am so relieved. Now I can start focusing on getting to know my mate better.

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