Chapter 43

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~ Prince

I looked forward to this moment since I left Violet after our date. I asked Leo to keep her busy all evening so I could use the kitchen in my guesthouse to cook for her. He took her out to the pub for a few drinks with Joy. I made it light because they ate before they left.

A small olivier salad, a russian style of potato salad with ham, pickles, hard-boiled eggs. With that I bowl of chocolate covered strawberries on top of vanilla icecream. I got a small cooler to keep the icecream from melting.

While the salad cooled in the refrigerator, I cleaned up the kitchen. I went into my study to go over some paperwork. An hour later I heard Violet return. She must have been pretty lite, she was laughing histarically as she stumbles up the stairs. I hear two sets of foot steps.

I decide to bring some rolls and water. I setup two plates up with lids on to a cart along with silverware. The cooler is set on the bottom shelf. I fill two glasses with water and throw a few rolls in a bowl. I look over my cart checking things off my list. I forgot the white and purple roses. The florist put food coloring in the water of the white roses to create them.

I check the time, 9:15pm. She should be settled in by now. I carry the cart up the stairs. I feel light as air with a song in my heart as I push the cart down the hallway.

I'm standing in front of her door, suddenly my heart is beginning to beat faster. Why am I so nervous. Only late this morning we were completely naked in each other's arms. I take a deep breath. I smell Violet's scent, and someone else...

Anger floods my blood and my vision blurs as my wolf becomes alert and aggressive. A growl rolls like thunder as I kick down her door. I rush in looking around the room wildly searching for the person.

I see Dominic with a knife about to slit her throat. I quickly tackle him to the ground. I get the knife away. He manages to get out of my grip.

We square off, we start to fight, throwing punches and kicks. My wolf gives me the strength I need. Before long I have him pinned faced away against the wall.

"Why, Dominic? She's my mate! Why would you want to take her from me?!" I growl through my teeth.

He just smiles like an idiot and starts to laugh like he's stir crazy. I knee him in the stomach and drag him down the stairs. Leo had come in during that time.

"Bring Violet to the hospital, I'll join you as soon as I deal with him." I command.

He nods as I continue to drag Dominic out the door. I called for a guard, he came over and put handcuffs on him. He put him in the SUV in the back seat. I got in the driver's seat. We drove in silence.

We arrive at the prison, I follow the guard inside. Another guard joins us to esscort Domestic to his cell.

I call my father and let him know what happened. In the morning he said he would draw up the proper forms to start a trial on him as soon as possible.

I then head to the hospital. Violet is resting comfortably and is already has an IV in her to give her fluids.

"Can I speak with you, I need to tell you what I just found out from my informant." Leo says quietly. I nod.

I sit in a chair near the bed. I take Violet's hand into mine. He sits in a chair not far from me.

"It's about the poisoned silverware and gas leak, my lord." He said as he put his foot on his knee.

I almost forgot about that. "So Leo, what did you find out?" I ask studying Violet's hand.

"I got a lead, turns out the only servants there that day were women. So Dominic couldn't have been the one to do it, but he's not off the hook. Wolfsbaine was found in his closet in his private quarters here in the palace. It was hidden in a locked filling cabinet.

We photographed all evidence and bagged it. We now have the evidence to lock him up. But this also proves he's not working alone. So now I have my people looking into possible female suspects. Can you think of anyone he maybe working with?"

I run a list of the women servants. Stacy was working that day. She's been working in the kitchen since she came here. Joy floats to the front of my mind. She has become close to Violet. "Joy and Stacey come to mind. What happened tonight? How did Violet end up alone with Dominic?"

"I left her alone with Joy and Dominic after I got the call from my informant. I was only gone for thirty minutes. When I returned only Joy was there. Joy told me shortly after I left, Violet felt sick so Dominic brought her back to the guesthouse. So I brought Joy back here." He said simply.

"Do you think Joy is capable of being his accomplice?" I ask with a heavy sigh.

He snorts. It was a sound of disgust. He laces his fingers and looks me square in the eyes.

"Joy is...something else. I wouldn't trust her word, my lord. After a few drinks, her and Dominic were all tangled up in the corner. I swear it was getting embarrassing, their behavior." His voice drops when he indicates them. He shakes his head as he switches his foot on his knee to the other foot.

"Violet and I moved away and played a few rounds of around the world on the dart board before they quit to play a game of pool. During that time is when I got the call.

I met them at the post office down the road. I left as soon as I finished. They couldn't have left that long before I got back."

"I think you should look into what Miss Joy has been up to. If she was so friendly with him tonight, I suspect it wasn't the first time." I say with a knowing grin.

Leo nods then gets up and excuses himself. I climb into the bed with Violet like I did before. I hope this with help make her feel better. I know it does for me.

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