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Chapter One

"You should have gone for the head."
You all know this infamous line by now, it's been implanted in your head since 2018. What came after that was a state of confusion, shock, terror, and sadness as you watched half of the MCU fade away into dust, leaving you dead inside for a whole year. Here in this fanfiction I've decided to go further beyond with this moment and kill off most of the Avengers than originally was and you'll read onto what'll happen next.

"Thor? Where'd he g-" Steve was cut off as he looks at a distraught Thor vanish away into dust, his bloody axe laying upon his remains.

"Steve?" Steve's neck almost feels like snapping from how quickly he turned to see his best friend vanish as well. He's begining to lose his breath, the anxiety just kicked in hard.

He runs deeper into the jungle, hearing the raccoon cry out the talking tree's name and hearing Okoye cry out something in Xosha before she goes completely silent. He sees Nat on the ground dazed and holds her up.
He goes to only find Banner, Wanda, and the Raccoon still alive.

"Oh God."

Back on Titan Quill falls back on the ground in disbelief as part of his family vanished in front of him. He failed them all and right now he'll do anything to fix this. He looks to Stark and the kid and knows what to do.
He helps Stark into the ship as he manages to get the ship outta the planet before further damage happens to the ship.

"Shit!" Quill bursts out as he bangs against the seat.

"Quill talk to me, we're getting through this." Tony groans out as Quill turns back to him with a upset wet face.

"Multiple sections of the ship took damage, if they fail we won't have even enough to get to a habitable planet or survive." Quill states as he rubs his eyes.

"Mr.Stark, how long can this suit survive in space?" Peter jumps in.

"Suit has built in oxygen so at max maybe a hour." Tony coughs.

"That's all we'll need then, Stark standby the control panel." Quill says as Peter gently places him on the driver's seat and webs his wound.

Star-Lord and Spider-Man go around the Benetar repairing and sealing leaks and broken parts.

"Quill what's the report?" Tony asks on the com.

"She's got enough for one jump before she'll probably burn out all fuel so if you have any suggestions I'll take them now."

"Earth, Earth is all I got pal." Tony breaths out.

"That's a stretch Stark, we'll be risking the whole ship shutting down."

"Oxygen can suffice us about a few days, electricity if in tack after the jump a few weeks, we just need to be close enough to the planet to get a signal out."

Star-Lord and Spidey look at each other before deciding.

"Alright Stark, if she holds we'll be back home in no time."

After checking everything over they prepare to jump to Earth.

"Standing by in 3,2,1,Go!"

Though his vision was blurry Tony saw lots of colors and felt the intense speed coursing through the ship like he was on a trip. He passed out before they made it there. He wakes up on a bunk bed with his wounds patched up and Star-Lord looking at the blue and green planet from the deck, thr electricity still in tact.

"Good news Stark, your plan worked and my ship didn't explode but now we hope your friends are still alive to get thr message." Quill sighs as he opens a bottle of bourbon and takes a swig, 40s jazz music playing around him.

"Pepper." He whispered to himself as he glances at the planet.

Ah! Finally I'm writing something I'm looking forward to! Thanks to everyone who has read my material it means alot to me and I really hope you guys enjoy this! There will definitely be surprises ahead! Remember, live well and Nuff Said!

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