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"Anybody have visual on him!?" Tony asks as he blasts incoming Outriders away.

"Oh shit." Killmonger says as he looks up to see the moon glowing.

"Uh guys?" Spider-Man 2 says looking up in shock as well, people beginning to look up.

Thanos stands on the moon, completely enraged as it begins to form cracks around, ready to be thrown into Earth.

"Now." Adam says as with a blink of a eye the Silver Surfer clashes into him, preventing him at the last second to hurl the moon.

"Wanda stay with me." Peter 3 held her close as she was leaking blood, he tried to be strong for her as he could see her slipping away fast.

"Peter...everything will be alright....I promise." She coughs out blood but makes a weak smile as she touches his face, her hand glowing red before she stops moving and goes limp.

"Wanda..." He croaks as the Hulk lands down behind them and fend off any enemies trying to get to him.

Surfer decks him in the mouth with his board as the purple Titan tried to get up sending him back down on the Moon's surface. He gets up again to use to the Gauntlet but a swarm of hair tendrills wrap around his arm as Medusa appeared.

"Mere hair won't stop me!" He shouts yanking at it.

"No but that might." He turns around to get cracked in the face by Mjölnir, breaking his nose as he grabbed it in pain.

Everything goes black.

10 Years Ago:

Man in cell, in cage. Locked away for life. Man sits rotting, rotting away like a good convicted prisoner. God comes to him, asks him would be like to be free. Man laughs telling God they would just put him back in the cage. God says I can set you free another way, God says I can make you dead and bring you back. He takes the offer and dies. He wakes up and finds himself to be the only one alive in the prison. God says you are Kletus Cassidy and I'm Knull the God of all symbiotes and you will be my archangel of death.

10 Years Ahead

Knull laughs, holding the head of The Mad Titan's skull, amongst a throne of bloody bones scattered amongst a scorn battlefield underneath the red sky.

He looks at the ripped mask of Spider-Man with a curious look before making a devilish smirk.

"To think you are the few who defeated my archangel. No matter, not even your heroes stood against me, least not with this on." He says looking at the Infinity Gauntlet. "Now the multiverses are mine and mine alone. Not even the TVA can stop me."

A new king has emerged from the ashes of the old one.

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