An Amazing Meeting

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Chapter Seventeen

You know Sony wants to do a Spiderverse film? Crazy right?

The two Spider-Man end up in another New York City, this time there's a Oscorp Industries tower in the skyline which makes Older Peter sigh.

"I've noticed there's this Oscorp name in around." Young Peter mentions.

"Norman Osborn must be a billionaire of high tech scientific research and development in this universe but that must also mean he was up to something."


"My Norman Osborn died in by his own doing but I guess we'll find out about this one's fate after we find out guy here."

They look around for most of the morning here till they're Spider-Senses go off as they see a man in a green Scorpion like outfit rampaging through the streets till suddenly another Spider-Man but with a jacket and hoodie swings outta nowhere and lands in front of the Scorpion, the Spider-Men watch in awe.

"Give It up Scorpion, it's rush hour and your disturbing the peace." The Spider-Man said as he ducks and weaves around the Scorpion with such speed and agility leaving the Spider-Men speechless.

"So he's really good." Young Peter exclaims.

"He's us, of course he is." Chuckled Older Spider-Man.

This Spider-Man shots a web splatter at Scorpion's face as he grabs him by the tail and slams him into the pavement and wraps him up tight as the NYPD thank him and take a picture with him before he says his farewells.

"Now's our chance, Peter." Older Peter says as they stealthily follow him to a abandoned shipyard where he practices his Spider skills till his senses go off and turn around to see two brown hair men behind him.

"Peter Parker." The older one calls out.

"Who the hell are you?" This Peter asks with a slightly hostile tone.

The two men look at each other and open up their jackets to reveal their Spider-Man outfits underneath.

"We're Peter Parker." The younger looking on he said as this One shakes his head.

"No no no that's not possible!" He exclaims stepping back.

"I know this looks kinda scary and freaky but you have to listen to us on this it's completely urgent and your life depends on it." The older Peter calmly tries to tell him as this Peter starts freaking out.

"Look Peter just explain your story and we'll explain ours." Young Peter says as this Peter calms down and rubs his face.

"I'm...Peter Parker, I'm 23, I got my powers from a spider bite, lost my Uncle Ben from a crook, decided to become Spider-Man and lost the girl I loved most Gwen Stacy." He sighed as those brought back painful memories for him.

"I'm Peter Parker, I'm 41, got my powers and lost my Uncle Ben same as you did, lost my girl Mary Jane Watson a year ago from a car accident, and I'll always be Spider-Man." Older Peter says as he placed a hand on the Peter's shoulder.

"I'm also Peter, I'm 22, same bite, lost my Uncle, I got sperated by a close friend of mine traveling across the multiverse and I'll always be Spider-Man as well." He sadly smiled as he placed his hand on the other shoulder.

"Can't believe I'm not the only one." The Peter sighed as he tries to take it all in.

"We need a system here cause we can't keep calling each other Peter." Young Peter says.

"Wann try it the numerical way?" Older Peter asks as the two other Peter's look at him.

"That could work." The Peter said.

"Okay I'll be Peter 1, new Peter is Peter 2, and slightly younger Peter will be 3."

Now that we got that outta the way why was Peter 3 dimensional traveling?" Peter 2 asked.

"Sit down for this one." Peter 3 whinced.

After explaining everything he could as simple yet informative and possible Peter 2 was also left speechless and anxious as he wiped the sweat off his brow.

"This, this is another level I don't know how to go into." Peter 2 flabbergasted.

"We do it together, Peter 3s friend is currently searching for anyone else in other dimensional regions who will help them stop this multiversal genocide." Peter 1 says as he places back and forth.

Peter 2 ruffles his shaggy hair and breathes as he jolts up as if he was given new life.

"I'll help you guys, I can't afford to lose my New York City let alone our universes so let's go!" Peter 2 exclaims as he puts on his mask.

His suit had thinner black webbing design, darker brighter red and blue color pattern, and bigger non moving lenses with a wider spider logo.

"So how do we get outta here?" Peter 2 asks as another bright portal appears on the ground.

"That's so cool!" Peter 2 exclaims as they all jump in.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN! All the Spider-Men are almost completed as the search continues! Thank you all and enjoy your day!

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