Back to the Future?

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Chapter Seven

I seriously can't wait for the What If series! So many things can happen now with the Fox deal, and the Sony deal!

After coming back to Earth, finding out his daughter is alive but not half of the universe Scott travels the long distance to upstate New York to find out what happened and perhaps how to fix things.
After coming across Steve and Natasha he explains how he got trapped in the Quantum Realm and how it works on a basic level. He brings up the idea of time travel but unlike Endgame this has a chance of not working out.

"Even if we could Scott, Thanos has the power to track and travel to our location and kill us on the spot." Natasha says.

"But we can't give up, we need to find a way to defeat this guy!"

"Scott none of us can go against this guy and win, it's just that." Steve sighs.

"Steve." Peter slides in. "Incoming ships entertaining the atmosphere heading here."

Steve, Natasha, Peter, Rocket, Quill, Wanda, and Scott all head outside to see the settled spacecraft open, ready for anything to come out. Green men and women aliens with pointy ears walk out unarmed as they approached them.

"We come in peace Avengers, we have urgent news from our homeworld that you must listen to." One of them said as the team lower their weapons.

"Start talking." Quill says as the Skrull nods.

"We are Skrulls, a shapeshifting race and right now what's left of it is about to be annihilated by Thanos's army and we seek refuge for our families anywhere we can." The team dropped their guard.

"Why would he suddenly start killing more people than he already has?!" Wanda bursts out.

"We don't know, he already destroyed the Kree empire, a enemy race of ours and now he's going to destroy Skrullos." The Skrull sadly said as he felt like crying.

"We aren't leaders of this planet but even so they wouldn't allow sanction for you guys to enter but if a small group of you stay around here we could help you." Steve says.

"Thank you Man of America, we are truly blessed and we'll do everything we can to make our stay welcome." The Skrull bows in happiness, the other Skrulls beaming with hope.

"Steve are you sure about this?" Nat whispers.

"Can't let families suffer Nat, not even ones beyond the stars."

"I'll call Stark, were gonna need plenty of housing." Peter says as he goes inside.

Shortly later a Skrull woman appears before Steve and Nat and kneels down as she raises a small device towards their face and a imagine of the Skrull Queen Veranke appears.

"Steven Rodgers and Natasha Romanoff, the infamous members of the Avengers. Gives me relief you decided to let a small portion of our race into your homeworld my scouts forgot to mention that I'll be arriving to your planet as well, hope you make a valuable welcoming." Steve furrowed his brow at the word infamous but understood the situation and thanked the Skrull woman.

"Great, we have royalty arriving with the package." Nat snarks.

"Well Nat right now I don't know any other way to do this, Thanos is now killing off planets and people are rushing to us like we can protect them from him." Steve like pulling out his hair and screaming out to the sky as he sits down looking defeated.

Nat sits besides him and cradles him gently.

"Steve you're doing a great thing right now but we have to try regardless, were becoming a last hope for people." She kisses his cheek and he makes a small smile.


"Anything for my hero." She smirks backas the two embrace each other in their arms, Peter and Wanda watching from the shadows.

*How did we not notice this?* Peter thought.

*I know right, was thinking the exact same thing.* Wanda said in his head.

*Oh right you can do that.* Peter responded back.


*Wanna get some iced coffee and burritos?*

*Sure.* She smiles as the two walk together away.

Chapter Seven (yay)! I guess you could call this some filler but you always have to build up to the climax. Anyways hope you enjoy and stay frosty!

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