Boy from Brooklyn

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Chapter Eighteen

You gonna get two surprises here!

They land on a Skyscraper as they appear in another New York City this time there's alternate versions of products and entertainment everywhere and for some reason everything felt sorta animated in a way.

"Hey Guys!" A black and red Spider-Man scared them as they step back and examine the shorter Spider-Man in the hoodie standing on the side of the Skyscraper.

"Peter Parker?" Peter 3 asks.

"Nope. Just me." The black Spider-Man played it off.

"It's okay kid you can trust us." Peter 1 said as they removed their mask shocking the black Spider-Man as his lenses grew expressive.

"Woah! Your all Peter Parker's!" He gasp in awe.

"Mind telling us who you are?" Peter 2 asked.

The black Spider-Man takes off his mask to reveal a black kid underneath, surprising the Peter's.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, we just didn't know." Peter 1 sheepishly said.

"It's cool, I'm actually mixed though. So what brings you to my universe?" He says as he puts on the mask and good and leans back.

"Wait you dealt with other Spider-Men before?" Peter 3 asked.

"Uh-huh, 5 in fact and they're pretty dope to be around. I'm Miles by the way."

"I'm Peter 1, that's Peter 2 and 3." The oldest one said as the other two shook his hand.

"Im assuming you guys aren't here to see the sights and that the Spiderverse is in danger again?"

"Spiderverse?" Peter 2 questioned.

"Yeah it's what we call it since it impacts us Spider-people." Miles shrugs.

"That explains why we haven't gone to any other places that don't have Spider-Men." Peter 1 states.

"We have to get outta the Spiderverse loop, we keep this up we'll just be infinitely be going through Spider dimensions!" Peter 3 freaks out.

"But no one ever has!" Miles starts to freak out as well.

"Woah hold on! Maybe the Spiderverse is leading us the way out? Peter 2 hypothesizes.

"Go on." Peter 1 says.

"It sucked Peter 3 outta the path he was going with his girlfriend to Peter 1s universe and then keep taking us to more different Spiderverses. I think it's part of the answer you guys are looking for!"

"That's actually not a bad explanation but we don't have much time to collect every Spider-Man or woman!" Peter 3 says.

"Leave it to me, if it can lead you it can lead me! Get back with your girlfriend and get back to your universe!" Miles says as suddenly another portal appears. "Good luck guys!" Miles waves as they wave back goodbyes and they disappear.

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