Golden Encounter

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Chapter Nine

Seriously that bearded guy The Warp Zone is absolutely phenomenal when he plays the Disney boss! 10/10!

"Where is he?" Steve asks.

"Right over Washington DC!"

"What's the status?" Steve says as everyone rushes to get ready.

"He's just sitting on the steps of the Lincoln monument alone with his ship above the city." The Skrull said confused.

"He's waiting for us, we'll handle this." Steve says as he puts on his suit.

"Don't forget the weapon." Nat tells him as she zips up hers.

"Never do." Steve says as he grabs Stormbreaker off the wall.

Nat arms herself with a explosive round advanced custom rifle, her electric staffs, her advanced widow bites, a vibranium blade katana, vibranium laced armor, explosives, advanced pistols, and other tricks up her sleeves as she follows behind Steve, sporting her single braid.

"Rocket hurry up we're leaving!" Quill shouts as he starts up the Benetar.

"Hold on, I'm bringing my big gun!"

"Wait, that big gun!?" Quill says as he sees a black and red Hulkbuster suit with weapons all over it walking towards him.

"Hell yeah, based it off Tony's old friend!" Rocket smirks as he hops inside of it.

"Cap!" Ant-Man called out as he runs towards them. "What's the plan?"

"Keep the fight in one area and fight with everything you have." He said with a intense stare as he and Natasha walked together with the hanger.

"Steve." Nat holds his hand. "Everything will be alright." She smiles at him but it wasn't a sassy one or one to hide the fear but a genuine one which made him skip a beat and smiled back.

"Thank you Nat, now let's end him."

The team minus Rocket enters the Benetar and flies off to Washington DC
Everyone had determination and fear and no one dared say a word as they land away from him awhile later.

"Stick together." Cap says as they open up the door to see the Mad Titan covered in golden armor with his gauntlet and a massive double bladed weapon sitting on a decapitated remains of the Lincoln statue. He gets up and slowly walks down towards them, showing the stones glowing in unison with a smirk. Everyone was on guard with each step he took feeling like a eternity.

"Expecting a army perhaps?" Thanos asked as they were 30 feet from each other.

"With you I don't know what to expect anymore." Steve says.

"In that case you won't mind the 50 ships circling the entire planet."

"Your army doesn't scare me Thanos, I've dealt with tyrants like you before and history has always shown them to fall when their at their biggest."

"Big words coming from a man about to see his death."

"It's a shame, you could've joined me but you chose to be insects at my feet however I won't be the one showing you there." Suddenly in a flash a glowing figure dramatically lands besides Thanos.

Her long golden hair shimmered in the sunlight, her eyes filled with nothing but pure anger and energy around her entire body covered in a sleek black and gold suit with a black scarf around her waist. Clearly this woman was a serious threat to the team.

"Daughter, show them to their graves." He says as he looks to see Hulk's enraged face.

"YOU FIGHT HULK YOU COWARD!" He rushes towards Thanos as he begins to disappear into the blue mist.

Carol rockets underneath him and punches into his gut as she tries to fly off with him but Hulk slams his fist into her back causing her to release as Iron Man tackles her at full force when she's wide enough to hit as they slam through the bottom half of the statue as Iron Man tries to pin her down but she growls loudly as she glows rapidly and blasts him off her, causing him to slam into the Benetar's wing.

She launch herself at him but Hulk slams her int the ground and starts smashing her repeatedly, feeling her blood on his fists he hits harder till she let's a out a roar and with a blinding flash and lighting she blasts Hulk into the sky and destroying the area park into a crater as the team manages to avoid it unscathed.

She hovers out the smoking crater wiping the blood from her face as she charges her hands and starts blasting at the team as they scatter and start firing at her. Suddenly a giant shadow covers her as Giant-Man appears ready to hit her.

"Lang no!" Cap shouts as she rushes at him taking a blast at him but he quickly shrinks tiny and uppercuts her as a giant sending her flying across the park.

"Not bad Lang, alright team keep her at close quarters." Nat compliments as the ground team rush to Carol's direction.

Carol gains her posure but gets engulfed by a web cocoon with explosives as they explode and the War Buster slams her to the ground. She knocks it back as Nat and Star-Lord start firing at her, enraging her as she sends a direct blast at her thankfully blocked by Cap's shield at the exact moment.

Carol starts pounding at the shield as lightning begins to form across Cap's eyes and arms as he raises Stormbreaker in the air and a massive bolt of lightning strikes it as he swings it across her jaw sending her flying back through some trees.

As she tries to get up Wanda forces her down with her hex powers, expanding her hands as she increases Carol's density causing her to sink into the ground but Carol fires at her leg as Wanda yelps in pain. Carol raises her hands to finish her off but Natasha rushes in and slices at Carol's face causing her to swing at Nat's arm completely shattering it as she goes down.

Spider-Man puts her in a scissor lock as he starts webbing to her face to blind her but he gets thrown at Quill who starts blasting at her as the two get knocked out.

She rips off the webbing but Captain comes in and starts wailing at her with his shield and Stormbreaker making her duck and weave from it as she blasts his shield away and grab Stormbreaker, kicking him so hard across his gut he spills a bit of blood from it. She powers up her hand to kill him as he stares her down but Warbuster, Hulk, Iron Man, and Ant-Man surround her as she powers herself up ready to fight.

"Now Wanda!" Steve shouts as Carol momentarily is taken aback and tackled by everyone as Wanda uses her powers to shut her mind off and goes limp.

The team catches their breath as Steve looks up at the ship hovering above the city, wondering what'll happen next.

"Sire she...she failed Maw said shocked as Thanos frowns at this.

"Foolish girl, I taught her better than this. Leave her, start the preparations for the mission at once." He storms off.

As the ship leaves as happy sigh leaves his breath as Steve collapses to the ground. They won.

Ayy, Chapter Nine! Took awhile but it's finally done! I'm so happy to do writing this awesome chapter on this slow ass program! Anyways guys I'm happy lots of people are getting into this story and I wish you a great day!

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