Solo Act

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Chapter Three

Fun Fact: Cable once said Spider-Man was the greatest hero of all time which says alot.

Carol has flew through many systems in the last few weeks, each one feeling longer than the last. There's so much chaos going around she can't stop it all. She's going to find the son of a bitch and take him out for good, hopefully ending all this.

She sees a golden planet and does a sweep around it, finding nobody but one house in this beautiful planet as she rockets into it and blasts the purple tyrant back, hearing his dying screams as she melts him away.

She realized this was too easy but gets backhanded out of the house into a field. She gets up to see the Mad Titan with a slightly darker arm and a gauntlet with colorful stones with his arms crossed.

She grits her teeth as she rushes at him, firing a concentrated blast of energy at him but he shields himself as she starts to pound against the blue shield the energy starting to consume her eyes as she starts to glow bright. He was slowly being pushed deeper into the ground as she was just pummeling at him like crazy. She was creating shockwaves that were making a massive crater around him and he decided he had enough as he suddenly grabs he neck and with the Reality Stone he absorbs her power, yelling in adrenaline as he feels the cosmic energy coursing through his veins as she drops to the ground disoriented. His eyes glowed like hers as he towered over the woman trying to get up and fight him again. He grabs her by the head and points the gauntlet at her, activating the mind stone as her eyes turned blue and she goes limp.

"Arise my child." He says as she gets up and kneels before him.

"Yes father." She says.

"You will now be the new leader of The Black Order." He points to the sky and uses the Space Stone to summon multiple Sanctuary ships in the sky.

"Thank you Father, it's a great honor." She replies.

He uses the reality stone to transform her colorful suit into a niche black and Gold. He smiles proudly as she bows her head and flies towards the ships, preparing the start of a new empire.

"This ought to be interesting." He chuckles as he looks at his hands and head back inside to finish his tea.

Chapter 3! I know this one was shorter and the fight wasn't as long but let's be honest Thanos doesn't want to drag out a fight and ruin his fields. He knows he's the most powerful being in the universe and could easily have destroyed her but he's smart enough to see opportunity where it lies. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and on to Chapter 4 we go!

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