End of Ages Act II

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Chapter Nineteen

Shit's gonna get real here so RATED M FOR MATURE UP IN HERE!

Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Widow look in concentrated hated at the grinning Mad Titan. He sat on a throne made of human bones and parts, it disgusted them so much as it makes him more happy watching it.

"Makes me happy to watch my enemies step up to their death, shows they accepted their defeat with dignity." His brass voice says as he flaunts the Infinity Gauntlet by waving it around clenched.
"Your team surrounds me thinking that if they get me from behind or from above I'll be vulnerable but the truth is that you are so desperate to get anything outta me for years I accept it so I can rip their eyes outta their sockets and make them wish for the sweet release of death." His pale eyes stared right into their souls, filled with malicious intent as he gets up and clenches his fists.

"But now Rodgers, I'm going to kill you all without any intent of stopping pass a stopped a missing beat."

Steve tightens his shield as Natasha pulls out her Katana and Tony crackling his armored fists.

"Go fuck yourself and die bastard." Natasha said with pure anguish.

Thanos let's a small smirk before rushing at them. He grabs Natasha as she stabs into his hand and slams her against Steve as Thanos blasts Tony away with a shockwave. Hulk jumps out to get him from behind but Thanos swiftly grabs his swords and slices Hulk's arm off and kick him down as Star-Lord and Natasha fire on him.

Thanos seats Quill away as Natasha ducks and weaves till Thanos uses the Reality Stone to grow sharp vibes from underneath her and stab into her legs as she yells in pain.

Steve jumps up and bashes him on the head with his shield as he try to dodge around him but he grabs him and slams him on Natasha, knocking her breath away as Iron Man rains energy blasts at him.

Captain Marvel goes as fast as she can and slams against him creating a massive crater as he grabs and slams her around and throwing her at Iron Man who catches her.

Hulk gets a blow on him as he fights tooth and nail with his one arm as Thanos just takes it and starts pummeling the green goliath down as WarBuster comes in and tries to apprehend Thanos but Thanos rips it apart and throws it away like trash.

Carol lifts him off and throws him back as he uses the Space Stone to teleport behind her and blasts her into the ocean floor as Natasha starts swinging her blade at Thanos who merely blocks the hits with his armored fist.

He chuckles as he yanks the blade away and stabs it directly into her gut and rips it outta her as she falls to the ground spewing out blood.

"NATASHA!" Steve screams as he rushes to her aid.

Hulk roars as he grows his arm back and teams up with Iron Man to attack him as the two push him back into the ground.

Nat's wound was bleeding everywhere as she tried to get up and still fight.

"Nat get outta here, we can hold him off!" Steve tried to persuade her but she just forces herself up.

"Steve... I'm not dying without driving a blade into his heart." She coughs up more blood as she grabs a disc and slams it on one side of the wound cartalizing it as she lifts the sword up and tries to run.

Thanos blasts away Hulk and Iron Man as Steve tried to hold him off with his shield but Thanos punches it in pieces and lifts Steve up.

"FALL SOLDIER!" He cries out and breaks Steve's back in half as he let's a bloodcurdling scream as Thanos throws him beside Natasha who in a moment of adrenaline stabs Thanos in the chests, a small stream of his blood leaking out as he laughs as he pulls it out and examine it.

"I'm impressed, you almost hit a artery." He grins as he stabs her in the hard and watches as she collapses alongside Steve who watches in horror as her eyes widen with shook.

"N-Nat, I'm sorry." He say as he places a hand on her bloodstained cheek.

"Don't be... I'm proud of you." She smiles as a tear streams down her face before she stops moving.

Thanos smiles as he steps towards Steve who stares in rage as he's unable to move.

"What a shame, she died so foolishly." He fakes a sad face as he slams his cleated boot into his back as Steve screams out in agony.

"Steve!" Tony calls out as he unleashes a blade to stab Thanos from behind.

"TOO LATE!" Thanos calls out as he instantly vanishes and blasts a hold into Tony, killing him on the spot as his body crumples to the ground.

"NO!" Steve grunts as he sinks his fingers into the ground.

Carol blasts outta the ground and fires every ounce of energy at him as he gets pushed back.

"You monster! I'll kill you for everything you've done!!!" She roars out as she pushes him further till he starts to chuckles and absorb her energy blasts as he uses the Space Stone to teleport in front of her and grabs her head as he drains her of her power.

"You don't deserve this power!" He shots as she completely loses her glow and falls to the ground now just human in a suit.

He approaches her as she stares him down but he smiles as he just vaporizes her and turns to Quill helping up Rocket as Thanos teleports them elsewhere. Hulk tried one last time to overpower him but to no avail as Thanos pins him down and beats him to death. Steve closes his eyes hearing the sound of flesh just pulverizing another.

"Peter...Wanda...We tried." Steve let out as he slowly dies on the battlefield.

"Now now Cap, I'm done with you yet." Steve bare witness to see the most diabolical grin Thanos has even made in years.

Steve grunts as he tries to stare him down.

"As long as I stand against you you won't win."

"We'll see." Thanos smirks as he raises his blade.


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