Rising up

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Chapter Four

Fun Fact: Spider-Man 4 was going to have Anne Hathaway in it.

It's been a month since The Snap but to Peter Parker it's only felt like days have past. He knew that New York City needed someone to light their way through the darkness and that Spider-Man can do that.
He couldn't stand back and watch everything burn and cry about it, he had to take action.

For long weeks he'd go around the boroughs and stop as many robberies and help many people suffering as he could. He'd would go for days without sleep and sometimes just sleep on a rooftop or a abandoned apartment room. He didn't stop till Steve had to stop him after hearing reports of Spider-Man endlessly going around fighting crime.

Steve now cleanly shaved, walked across the Yankee Stadium as he sees Spider-Man helping a lady put heavy groceries in her car he sees Steve and says farewell to the lady as he approaches Steve.

"Peter come back to base, we're worried about you."

"Can't Steve, there's still much to do for the city." Spidey shakes his head.

"Kid you can't push yourself like this, it's not healthy and you can't fix the city in just a few weeks." Steve sits him down.

"I'm sorry Steve but I just can't watch my home turn into anarchy after everything that happened."

"I'm not asking you to stop being Spider-Man, I'm asking you to take a break. Please."

Peter hangs his head in defeat. He pushed himself too hard to make up for his defeat.

"Alright Cap, let's head on home then." Peter sighs as they head into the Audi.
"We aren't Avengers anymore we?"

Steve grimaced as he lets out a sigh of despair.

"No we're not anymore but that doesn't stop us from doing good our own way. Natasha wants to help kids suffering from the snap and I wanna help anyone in need."

"How's Wanda doing?"

Steve's face dropped further as if not wanting to say anything.

"She's not been the same. Sometimes me and Nat hear strange sounds from her room and rarely leaves her room still. I worry she might be going off the deep end."

"Long as we stick together we can get through this."

"Yeah, through this." Steve says.

Chapter four! This one was very difficult to write since I'm currently in a different state of mind right now. Hopefully Chapter five will be easier!

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