Awaken my Masters!

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Chapter Six
Little JoJo reference hehe.
Fun Fact: Thanos can actually grow hair, if you look closely in Infinity War and Endgame in his close ups you can see the small body hairs and in the later comics his older self has long grey hair and beard.
Onwards my JoJo and Marvel fans!

Thanos has done nothing but train for years even though he is the most powerful being in the universe he knows better than to underestimate anyone and anything in the known universe. With him tinkering with the stones he's discovered the existence of other universes from his own and now he has a new journey to go forward with.

"Daughter, what news you have to offer?" Thanos says communicating to Carol on his holographic communicator.

"The Kree Empire is officially dead." She says standing in front of the burning ruins and corpses of Hala, blood splattered all over her. Fires so intense the sky is completely glowing red and nothing but the stench of death fills the planet.

"Excellent work my child, any survivors?" Thanos smiles proudly.

"Only those off-world, Shall we attack the Skrull planet next father?" Carol asks.

"With caution but I need to speak with you privately, destroy the planet and report to me." Thanos finishes.

"Yes father." Carol bows her head as the ships exit the planet as she flies up, firing down with the ships into the core and watch as it explodes violently in the vast emptiness of space.

In the Skrull homeworld of Skrullos a Kree pod crashes into a city. The soldier is captured and taken to the queen. The soldier is battle damaged, bloody, and completely shaken up to the point they can't control his erratic shaking and breathing.

"Kree, what is the meaning of your intrusion and what do you need to speak to me for!?" She shouts as his eyes dart up immediately.

"Thanos! He's coming to kill you all next!!! He destroyed Hala and he'll annihilate Skrullos next!!! He breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably as the Skrulls in the room start to panic.

Veranke was completely blown away. She despised the Kree as much as the next person but to commit complete genocide to this level was a step too far even for her and now their greatest enemy is dead at the hands of Mad Titan's army.

"Spread the word to all Skrulls, we are at war with Thanos! She screams out taking aback everyone.

"But your highness this is Thanos, he holds the ultimate power and has the Kree's most powerful warrior leading his army! I beg you to reconsider this!" A servant begs.

"We are not cowards! We have fought many enemies in our past and we can't let this one defeat us without a fight!" She slams her fist against her throne. Veranke was absolutely livid that Thanos killed half her people but she's now beyond that with him bringing Armageddon to her world but she needs a plan.

"Send scouts to as many planets as possible, I'll spare the families but I want all warriors on standby!" She orders as they all scatter to the door. "
I'll spill the blood of the Chituari before I let them kill us all." She growls.

Carol lands in front of Thanos's house and kneels down to him. She has changed much over the half decade. Her golden hair reaches to her thighs, her armor more sleeker and flexible, and feared throughout the Galaxy.

"My daughter I have a personal mission for you to achieve." He says as they enter inside, the smell of pot roasted coffee filling the air.

"What do you seek father?"

"To be alongside me in my next mission, to bring balance to other universes." He says as he uses the gauntlet to show a projection of multiple universes, her eyes go wide in amazement.

"I'm heavily honoured to do so, I won't disappoint you." She bows.

"We'll finish dealing with our loose ends here and we'll start preparations for our conquest soon my dear." He says as she bows once more and flies away to Skrullos.
"Perfectly balanced." He chuckles as he sips his coffee.

*Also this is what Veranke/Skrull Queen looks like.

I haven't read much of the mid 2000s comics so I decided to give her a very demanding, straight to the point, no BS leader who has a iron fist but cares deeply for everyone's sake

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I haven't read much of the mid 2000s comics so I decided to give her a very demanding, straight to the point, no BS leader who has a iron fist but cares deeply for everyone's sake. I do know she has a fling with Johnny Storm/The Human Torch and I think with a Kree and impersonated Jessica Drew/Spiderwoman in Secret Invasion. Either way she was fun to write and she'll definitely appear in the later parts. Hope you love it and please share this story with your friends, your family, even your neighbor! Have a good one!
Chapter Five!

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