Chapter 5 - Encounter

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You aimlessly wondered around the house, as you just recently woke up. Without a single idea what to do with your free time as you waited for an acceptance letter, your eyes landed on your revealed skin beneath your sports bra.

Aren't you a special fucking snowflake you bitch?

You kept looking at it, hoping that if you think hard enough, it will actually give you some sort of sign as of who this mysterious, vulgar person could be.

And why was he calling you a bitch? Will you do something to piss him off, or will you just be wearing that cute, but shorter then appropriate (f/c) dress you own? Maybe he will judge you wrong, or maybe he won't even try to judge you.

"Ugh, this is so mind-bending!"
You exclaimed before letting yourself dramatically fall onto the bed.

"Who needs soulmates anyway? If it doesn't work out with him, I can always try with that hot explosion guy from the exam!" you spoke to the air as you turned around, placing your attention to the pillow behind you.

You smirked as you looked at the pillow.
"Well hello there, how you doin'?" You asked wiggling your eyebrows at the pillow, the poor pillow starting to get mildly uncomfortable.

"I've seen your quirk on the screen, it's pretty badass" you said, caressing the pillow lightly, before suddenly hugging the pillow with all might that you had and letting out a loud sign.

"I have finally lost it, haven't I dear pillow-san"

You weren't sure, but you thought that the pillow was nodding.
As you stared contently at your new best friend, a knock on the door startled you.
You quickly put on a random shirt before going for the door.
When you opened it you were face to face with a mailman who gave you some sort of envelope and a box, granting you with a rushed goodbye before he left.

You just got your acceptance letter and uniform. And in two days it will be your first day at the school you've been waiting to go to since you were a small child potato, and here you are now. Just two days away.

With a melancholic look you stared at your new uniform.
It consisted of a dark teal skirt, white button-up, red tie and a grey blazer.


A tie?!

It's safe to say that you did not know how to tie a tie.

As you exhaled a deep breath you glanced at your next object of need - laptop.

After some time and countless videos of how to tie a tie for beginners, you were ready.

You were going to UA!


As you found yourself in front of the school, you were
surrounded by a crowd of screaming students, almost all of them having a peculiar appearance, for you have seen a girl, entirely pink and a guy - or what you presumed was a guy, with a crow head.

Maybe we're distant cousins or something!

You continued to stroll, trying not to catch anyone's attention, just how you always did.

And then, you saw him.

OMG iT's ThE eXpLoSiOn GuY!!

As you were full on looking at him, not believing your eyes, he turned his head in your direction and glared at you.

"The fuck are you looking at?"
his eyes screamed at you, even though he didn't outer any words.

You immediately turned your gaze elsewhere, pissed that your hot dream guy was a jerk.

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