Chapter 25 - Bet

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(This chapter is full of teasing..
  You have been warned)

You woke up with a painful headache. The side effect of your quirk was not only drunk behavior but a hangover the next day as well - basically like the real side effects of intoxication.

You loudly yawned and stretched your arms above your head before getting hit with a sweet smell.

Did Bakugou made something?

You smiled as you sniffed the air once again. The smell overwhelmed you pretty fast as you mentally pictured he made caramel cupcakes.

Deciding to go check if you're correct, you finally opened your eyes.

The sunlight blinded your vision for a second before you adjusted your sight on the unfamiliar room. You gulped as you stared with wide eyes at the king bed in front of you and stood up from it immediately.

You were in Bakugou's room.

Oh this is bad. This is extremely very not good.

You looked frantically around you while trying to calm your breathing.

I can't remember anything!

You shut your eyes and focused to see if you feel different.. anywhere. Few moments later you let out a sigh of relief. The only thing you could feel was a faint pain on your face - a sign that he probably knocked you out.

You exited the room to find Bakugou but you were quite shocked to see an empty kitchen. You immediately went to knock on the bathroom just to find out it was empty as well.

Did he leave for school?

You glanced at the clock and saw that you had another whole hour left. With questioning look on your face you decided to check the only room that was left - your room. As soon as you opened the door you were met with Bakugou, who was soundly sleeping in your bed.

Hundreds of different scenarios made their way into your head and you shivered at all the possible things you could have said.. or done.

You needed answers, and you needed them now.

You went to Bakugou and gently shook his arm. He knitted his brows before slowly opening one eye. At the same moment he saw you he flinched and jerked back with slight fear in his eyes. When he saw your confused face he instantly relaxed.

"You okay there?" You looked at him questioningly.

"Fuck off." He was staring at the floor with a scowl, now in a sitting position.

"Fuck off? Bakugou, this is my room." He rubbed his face harshly and mumbled "Then I'll fuck off," before standing up, but you immediately pushed him back down.

"I don't think so. You're staying here until you tell me what happened." You crossed your arms while he glared at you.

His face changed from anger to annoyance. "You really don't remember anything huh?" He looked at you shaking your head and clicked his tongue. "Nothin' happened Bond, now move out of my way, I'm starving."

You looked at his eyes. He was shifting them all around the room, a sign of a freaking liar. "You flinched Bakugou. You flinched when you saw me. And you looked like you saw a ghost!" Your hands immediately found their way in your hair in frustration. "I fucking did something didn't I?? Why didn't you knock me out?!?"


"WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK ME OUT SOONER??" The possibilities were rushing in your head and you felt like you wanted to vomit. You remembered the movie you watched a couple days ago where a girl teased her boyfriend. All the scenarios were stuck in your mind, from her caressing his inner leg, to her biting his nipples seductively. You felt utter dread and you started to shiver. Your palms found their way on your face as you repeated "No" like a lunatic.

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