Chapter 33 - New Friend

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I don't know where you are.

I don't know where you are.

I don't know where you are.


You jolted awake with a shaky breath. Nana was firmly holding you and caressing your hair. "You just had a nightmare dear. Are you okay?"

You glanced around with blank expression as a very bad feeling appeared in your chest. "I.. don't know."

"Maybe you should check if your soulmate's okay," you shifted your eyes at her with concern, "You kept calling his name in your sleep-"

Not even a second later you were already on the phone, dialing Bakugou.










- Beep.

He wasn't answering.

Your heartbeat fastened and your hands started to shake.

It's barely six, maybe he's sleeping?

You gulped as you bombarded him with messages.

Katsuki -

Call me when you wake up -

I had a nightmare -

Just call me pls -

I need to know you're okay -

"What do you think could've happened?" Nana asked as she reassuringly tapped your back.

You had a very bad feeling in your chest, which can only mean one thing. Everything that you feared would happen, actually did.

"The worst thing that could happen," You whispered as you clenched your phone, "Villains."


"He was a real troublemaker when he was young, my little Keigo. Look at him here, he's holding neighbor's cat. He tempted the cat to come to our garden with tuna."

"That sounds like something he would do." You laughed a little.

Nana was showing you some pictures of your uncle and mom when they were young to calm you down while the faint sound of tv could be heard beside you.

It's been a few hours since you woke up and Bakugou still hasn't replied or called you. Even though you didn't want to, you were really getting worried. You believed in Bakugou and you knew he would be okay, yet again, you had this awful feeling in your chest.

Nana turned the page with a smile. "Look at him here, he's-"

"Is UA safe for your children? Not only are they unable to protect the students from getting hurt, but they also let one of them get kiddnaped! More on this subject from our colleague.."

Your eyes widened and you immediately grabbed the remote to turn the volume up.

Someone got kiddnaped? What the hell..

You started tapping your foot in anticipation and annoyance while the news talked about every attack in history of UA ever, but your face lost all the color it had when the picture of the kiddnaped person showed up.

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