Chapter 4 - Aizawa

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Strange mummy man had brought you to what seemed like some sort of headquarters. You were beyond confused at what was happening but desided to just roll with it.

You were in a room filled with numerous screens, showing the city you just came out of, from all the different angles, futage of people fighting still playing on repeat.

So they were watching me and they still think I cheated? Don't they trust their own eyes?

"So" the black man began, looking at you with unreadable expression, "How did you know you were supposed to save people?"

Wait. We really were supposed to save people? I was right?? Holy crap that boy was right, I really am a genius!

The mummy man interapted you with a cough as you had the stupidest grin on your face.

"I'm-sorry.." you began, playing with your fingers but getting serious "Well, I figured there had to be option for the defensive quirks, because it wouldn't make sense for that many people to fail without being able to do anything." you looked him up
in the eyes as you continued "And then, when I was looking at the city I saw a boy who needed help and I realized that must be it." you finished with a sigh of relief. He was so intimidating!

He just hummed in response.

The awkward silence filled the room as he started to go through some papers. Your eyes trailed of to the screen as you watches at a guy who kept firing explosions, mesmerized.

"What's your name?"

"..Wow.." you mumbled with astonishment, not hearing the mummy man at all.

"Is Wow your first or last name?"
He said with the utmost seriousness and boredom that you just stared at him, mouth wide open, eyebrows lifted in disbelief, having heard this sentence in contradiction to previous.

"Um.. No?.. It's (Y/n) (L/n). "

There was a silence again, only rustling of papers, as he was looking through them. You contemplated about glancing back at the screen to look at that explosion guy, but decided against it.
You couldn't afford not hearing the dad-jokes-master again.

A few minutes have gone by as you finally gave in and glanced back at the monitor and started to search for-

"(L/n) (Y/n). Found you."

You looked at him expectantly.
But he just stared at the paper before pulling out the pen miraculousy from God knows where and started writing.

You know what, I don't care anymore, if he calls me, he calls me. I'm staring at the hot explosion guy!

With determination in your eyes, you fully turned yourself to the screens, only to find out that they've been shut.

You can feel anger in your bones rile up as you stared at the screens incredulously.


"OH, WERE YOU WATCHING THAT?" loud, excessively cheery voice screeched at you, leaving you with an immediate headache.

You just signed.
".. No.. It's ok."

That was definitely not fucking okay, if I was a bird I would go batshit at him.

"You have almost a perfect score." mummy man said suddnely interrupting your dark thoughts. "And with the fact that you undeniably got the highest score on entrance exam, considering the fact that you saved 4 people from getting seriously hurt, you are without a doubt the top candidate. Which indicates that you will get into main hero course, 1-A." he said dully.

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