Chapter 8 - Choice (part 1)

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"So, you're telling me that 1-A's hothead is your soulmate?"


"...Wait, just to be sure, we are talking about the same guy who won the Sports festival and acted like a caged wild animal?"


"...And you're sure he's your soulmate?"

"YES!!" you screamed startling Pepsi, who just snuggled deeper into Shinsou's lap, before you continued.

"He spelled the sentence from the beginning to the end, loud and clear. Now can we please drop this and talk about, I don't know, anything else??"

Shinsou just gave you a blank stare before humming in acknowledgement. Black cat was comfortably sitting in his lap as he was petting her soft fur. You two named her Pepsi, because she ungracefully kicked the can of said beverage the first time you visited this Cafe.

...and also, because she was black.

It was your and Shinsou's tradition to visit Cat Cafe every Sunday and talk about new occurrences that would happen the week before. It just so happened that two days ago was the day you realized Katsuki Bakugou was your soulmate which simultaneously ended your life of ignorance and made room for the new, dangerous beginning of the rest of your life.

And you weren't sure you were ready for it.

"Look, it's not like I wanted him to be my soulmate.." you sighed as you stared at your (favorite drink). "He's always screaming, he has a foul mouth, anger issues and I'm pretty sure he has a superiority complex."

You removed your stare from the drink searching for Shinsou's violet orbs, waiting for an answer. You had the soulmate conversation with Kendo and Ibara-chan basically after you figured it out. They just told you that you don't choose who you're going to end up with and that it will all make sense in the end.

Which did not help you, whatsoever.

"Well, who do you want?"

Huuuh? Did Shinsou finally go mental?

"...What?" you looked at him incredulously but he just sighed before continuing.

"You said you didn't want Bakugou to be your soulmate, I'm merely asking, is there someone else you would want to be in that position?"

"It's not like I have a choice now do I?" you said clearly pissed with your predestined fate.

No matter if I want it or not, I'm stuck with him..

"Why not? I belive everyone has a choice." Shinsou stated blankly as he drank a sip of his coffee.

Million thoughts erupted in your mind as you stared aimlessly into the distance while in the meantime Pepsi spontaneously landed in you lap and attacked you like you were her greatest enemy.

Next thing you knew, you and Pepsi were both screaming, you from the scratches and she, well, she was sent flying into the air from startling you.

After that Shinsou had to brainwash the waitress so she wouldn't ban you two from the Cafe, before you finally decided to call it a day.

The only thing that still lingered on your mind was the sentence:

"I believe everyone has a choice."

But, is it really possible for me to choose?

But, is it really possible for me to choose?

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