Chapter 19 - Nerd

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You awoke with the loud tweeting of the birds. You walked to the window and in front of it found a small bird that looked like it was in pain.

"What's wrong little bird?" You asked as you softly petted his little head.


You heard it loud and clear and immediately looked at it's wings. 
Just as you thought, the wings were harshly bruised. "I'm gonna make you as good as new!" You said as you carried his little body to the living room, in search for first aid kit. You caressed his head to prevent him from shaking "Don't worry, it won't hurt." you said softly and he calmed down.

"So you're a bird whisperer now?" Bakugou asked suddenly. He was sitting at the table and eating rice while glaring at you with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes and said "He's hurt." before proceeding to find first aid kit.

"How do you know it's a he? Does it have a dick?" Bakugou asked and fixed his eyes at the bird, actually getting interested.

"Bakugou! Not in front of the children!" You yelled as you covered bird's head with your hands. You laid the bird on the table and went into the kitchen to find some baking soda for his bloody wings before putting it on, all the while you were being intensely watched by Bakugou.

"Are you planning on healing it or cooking it?" he grinned while you glared at him.

You ignored his questions as you put bandaging tape on bird's wings. "There, how do you feel?"

'Good!' bird replied and started tweeting joyfully while you smiled in return.

"Don't fucking tell me your quirk is the ability to talk to birds." Bakugou began "Because if that's your quirk, you could've might as well been quirkless." he finished and stood up from his chair before putting his empty bowl of rice in the sink.

"Why are you always such a jerk?" You yelled as he turned around to look at you with raised eyebrow, "What's wrong with having that quirk, huh? The person could become a good spy or something!"

"The fuck are you getting offended for? You know damn well that's not your quirk!" he said as you stared at him bewildered.

"How do you-"

"Your quirk has something to do with speed, doesn't it?" He asked, or more so claimed as a well known fact while angrily crossing his arms and waiting for you to deny it. But you just stared in shock so he continued. "I'm not fucking stupid. From here to school takes 15 minutes for a normal person to run. You had like ten minutes in total - to get ready and to walk to school, and you got there before the school started. Now I'm gonna ask you, for the last time, and you better fucking answer me!" He loudly slammed the table as you looked at him with wide eyes, still speechless. "What. Is. Your. Quirk?"

You had intense eye contact in silence as he waited for you to answer him.

But you didn't.

You looked at him with sad eyes before turning your attention to the floor.

I'm sorry Bakugou but I just can't tell you yet.

He stared at you in disbelief, his eyes like saucers, before he started to yell "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? YOU'RE THE SAME AS THAT NERD!" He clenched his fists as he shook with anger. "You know what?! Go to that half and half bastard for all I care, because I'm done!" He screamed and started to put on his shoes.

"Bakugou-" you began but he turned around and looked at you. And it was bad. His eyes were filled with venom while his stare cut you deep. It was like he was staring at his worst enemy.

Blue Sky (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now