Chapter 12 - Art

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"So Bond, you gonna tell me where my room is or what?"
Now that the movie had finished, Bakugou was standing with luggage in his hands, impatiently waiting for directions.

"It's right down the hall." You moved to where the room was and gently opened the door. "Enjoy your suite. And don't snore."

A tick mark appeared on his face as he dropped the bags. "I don't snore."

"And how would you know? You can't hear it if you're asleep."

"Huh? Then how do you know that you don't snore?"

"Simple. I was told by other people." You said smiling while looking at his pissed off expression. It was extremely enjoyable to tease him. "Have you ever been told that you don't snore?"

He clenched his teeth so much you were worried he might have broken them before averting his eyes. Suddenly, his features lost all anger and were replaced with utter confusion.

"What..the actual Fuck.. is this shit?"

Oh no, he noticed it..
Well, I guess it was inevitable.

You sighed before replying nonchalantly "That, Bakugou, is art."

I have a bad feeling this will be a bigger deal than it is..

"Art? You call this art? THOSE ARE CONDOMS." He aggressively pointed at the masterpiece.
(Picture is at the end of ch. 10)

"Well yes but, I made a rainbow."

"What the hell is wrong with you? No, scratch that, why the fuck would you buy condoms for this?"

"Oh I didn't buy them, my Uncle bought them for me."

"What the he-"

"It's not what you mean! It was a joke. He bought me that on April fool's day."

"So the craziness runs in the family." He said annoyed while grabbing one condom from your artwork.

"Hey! What are you doing? Don't ruin my masterpiece!"

"How is this masterpiece? You just glued condoms in the shape of the rainbow."

"And how many people do you know who've made something like this?" You were met with silence as you snatched the condom from his hand. "That's right - None." You stuck the condom back at its place and smiled while making gesture with your hands.

"See? Perfection."

He just shook his head in disbelief

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He just shook his head in disbelief. "Whatever. Where's the bathroom? I need to prepare for sleep."

"S-sleep? But it's merely eight?"

"What's your point?" He was now crouching and taking stuff out of his bags.

"Nothing.." You caught a glance at something that seemed very much like red boxers before quickly averting your eyes. "Second door to the right," you managed to breath out while moving towards the kitchen "Would you like to eat dinner?"

He mumbled a "no" and with hands full of stuff went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind.

You took leftovers from lunch and sat at the table.

Jeez, now I have to actually think what to have for lunch. And breakfast... and dinner..
What if he thinks that my cooking sucks? I mean, I just follow YouTube videos and pray for the best. And it always turns out.. edible.

By the time you finished your meal, Bakugou came out of the bathroom. He was dressed in black shorts and sleeveless white shirt, which looked like it was made for him.

" 'Night."

You looked at the clock above the oven. It was half past eight.

Was Bakugou for real?

"Um, yeah.. Good night i guess."

"If you have something to say just spill it." He was now standing in front of his room, expectantly watching you in his pjs.

"Well, isn't it like 3 hours too early for sleep time?" You questioned while sipping some orange juice.

"Huh? No, this is the perfect time. Everything after this is late." After saying that he went inside the room and slammed the door.

It feels like we're just roommates or, like, talkative acquaintances.. I almost forgot we were soulmates for a second there. I mean, this is good, right?
After all, this is what I wanted.

You spend the rest of the night doing things you usually do until your regular bedtime. Before going to bed, you decided to check up on Bakugou. To see if he was snoring, of course. You gently pressed your ear on the door and focused.

You could definitely hear something. It was like enhanced normal breathing or like an extremely soft snoring.

It's actually kinda cute.

You swiftly went to bed and set the alarm before making yourself comfortable.

Day 1 complete, 29 to go.

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