Chapter One

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Vinekit didn't know how he opened his eyes. One day, they just did. He heard a voice, unfamiliar to him, let out a squeak of joy when he blinked furiously as the painful film that sealed them shut fell away. The first thing that greeted him was the blinding white light that made him shut his eyes quickly after opening them. Ow! What made his eyes hurt? Was he supposed to be in pain the moment his eyes finally opened?

He'd been sightless for an entire moon. His ears had uncurled two moons ago and he'd been wanting to open his eyes since his ears had opened. All the talk he had heard about the clearing outside made him nauseous and he wanted to see it all.

"Hurry up, Vinekit!" Complained a voice, the voice of someone that sounded young. Forcing his eyes to open again and trying to ignore the pain that washed over him again, his eyes began to focus on a blurry shape in front of him. The shape had a face, a pink nose, a mouth, muzzle, and eyes. Such bright eyes that Vinekit couldn't help but get lost in. "Vinekit, welcome to the ThunderClan nursery!"

What's a ThunderClan? What's a nursery? His mind whirled at the new words this cat used. Who is this stranger? "Who are you?" Vinekit was shocked at how he sounded. Was that his voice? Why did it sound so strange?

The shape in front of him made a sound that startled Vinekit, making him recoil and trip, landing on his backside. He felt something touch his body and he looked down, surprised to see two fuzzy things attached to him. He yelped, springing backward to get away from them but they followed him. Help me! He stared helplessly at the other shape, but it did nothing to help. He backed away, hitting something soft and warm behind him and making him shriek in fear.

"Easy there, little one." Another voice, much softer and older-sounding sounded to his left. "No need to wake the whole forest." It was another shape, a cat, perhaps? This cat looked like a white cloud. Whatever a cloud was. Her orange eyes blinked warmly at him, though she looked distant like she was in another world. She blinked and looked back at Vinekit. "Why don't you and Rushkit go play outside the nursery where I can see you?" She suggested.

Vinekit blinked at the she-cat, confused. "Who's Rushkit?" He asked.

The kit who had talked to him earlier let out an excited squeak. "Me, you mousebrain!" The kit bounced on his paws, orange eyes flashing with happiness. "Let's go, Vinekit!"

Vinekit was hesitant to leave the she-cat alone in the nursery. He turned to her, seeing her eyes distant made something inside him hurt. "What about you?" He mewed, startling the she-cat and making her look down at him. "Won't you be lonely in here all alone?"

The she-cat's eyes focused and she made a sound that rumbled in her throat. Vinekit flinched, thinking she was threatening him. "Of course not, Vinekit." She answered. "I have Blossomscar and her kits. Now go play."

"Come on, Vinekit!" Called Rushkit as he looked back at him, eyes glimmering. "I bet I'll beat you in Warrior and Mouse!" He taunted and Vinekit hesitantly followed.

As Vinekit stepped out of the nursery, he let out a small hiss, eyes closing as a yellow circle in the blue area blinded him. What is that? He thought angrily as the pain subsided and he glared up at the object. Pain sparked in his eyes once more and he looked away hastily, decided to not look at it again in case it attacked him again. Rushkit was beaming at Vinekit, haunches wriggling as his eyes twinkled.

"Come on, slow-slug." He meowed as Vinekit made his way toward him. "Let's play!"

"What are we going to play?" Asked Vinekit as he tilted his head at Rushkit. The tom-kit had small, broad shoulders, a small muzzle, pointy ears, a slim tail, large paws, and small eyes. His fur was what was a mystery to Vinekit. The she-cat, who he assumed was his mother, was white with tufted ears. Rushkit was white with gray patches. Looking at his own pelt, he noticed he was very different than the white and gray kit. Dusty brown with dark, sharp stripes and a long, fluffy tail. His shoulders were wider than Rushkit's and his paws were much smaller in comparison. He even had a few stripes on his legs.

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now