Chapter Fifteen

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"You can do this, Sweetpaw." Brightgaze's calm mew made Vinepaw stop pacing, ears pricked. "It will be hard, but you can do this." Vinepaw's nerves spiked as he heard Sweetpaw's cry inside the medicine cat's den.

A moon and a half had gone by since Sweetpaw had told him she was expecting Rushpaw's kits and Vinepaw could hardly concentrated on his training. As time went on and Sweetpaw's belly started to swell, Rushpaw's head grew and he swayed the younger Wildpaw and Orchidpaw to do anything he ordered them to.

Most cats complimented Rushpaw on how great of an apprentice he was being, always doing favors, taking care of the queens, kits, and elders. Even helping Brightgaze and Dustynose whenever they needed some help with gathering herbs.

Wildpaw especially had grown to resent Vinepaw since Rushpaw had spoken ill about him about a half moon ago. Telling the young patched apprentice that he had caused Ripplepelt's death, plunging Darkfang into madness and making her neglect her three kits.

As Sweetpaw spent more and more time in the nursery with the other queens and kits, Vinepaw began to fall behind on his training and watched as his cocky littermate rose to be better than him. Everytime he'd return from training or hunting, he'd be carrying so much prey, the Clan would eat until the mext moning.

Vinepaw heaved a sigh as he went back to pacing outside the den, tail flicking anxiously. The kits she was having weren't his, sure, but he had to be there for Sweetpaw if Rushpaw wasn't. Another yowl made Vinepaw's pelt fluff out and he unsheathed his claws. His left ear stung from where Rushpaw had left nicks in it, even after a moon and a half.

"One!" Dustynose's cry startled Vinepaw and he looked over at Poppyfur, who was trying to keep her new litter of three in line. "Come on, Sweetpaw! Just one more."

Vinepaw felt restless as he heard Sweetpaw's crying in pain from inside the nursery. He forced himself to sit down, claws digging into the ground as he tried to shut out the painful cries.

"Don't worry, Vinepaw." Poppyfur meowed, looking at the apprentice sympathetically. "Every queen, young and old, goes through this when they have their kits."

Goldenkit, the only tom in the litter, looked up at his mother, eyes wide. "Why?" He asked, his eyes wide and innocent. Vinepaw's heart thundered in his chest as he watched the young kit.

"Nobody knows, Goldenkit." Poppyfur replied, licking him on the head. Another screech from inside the nursery made Vinepaw turn his head, nervously biting his lip.

There was silence before Brightgaze's head poked out of the den. His eyes shone with exhaustion but he looked at Vinepaw. "She's weak, but her and the kits are safe."

"How many are there?" Vinepaw asked anxiously, rising to his paws.

"Two," answered the tired medicine cat as he slid out of the den, Dustynose soon following as they headed for their den across the clearing. "A she-cat and a tom. I don't recommend going inside, though." He warned as Vinepaw turned to the nursery. "She's in a lot of pain and she's very weak. Let her rest."

Vinepaw nodded, reluctant to leave Sweetpaw inside the den with three kits. Maybe Rushpaw could be a father to those kits at a young age. A stab of doubt clawed at his chest, making him squirm.

Poppyfur noticed his reluctance and she padded to his side, her kits stumbling after her, mewling. "Don't worry, Vinepaw." She meowed soothingly, looking at him with warmth in her eyes. "We'll take care of her."

"Thanks, Poppyfur," he replied, though he trembled inside. What if Rushpaw abandoned his son and daughter like Hawkpelt did to him and I? The thought blocked his mind as he half heard Beetlescar calling for him.

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