Chapter Twelve

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"Dustynose!" Shrieked a voice, making Vinepaw jerk his head up, alert. In an instant, he was on his paws and rushing out of the apprentice's den. As he stumbled into the clearing, seeing the night sky dappled with Silverpelt. It was the half-moon and Brightgaze insisted that his apprentice would stay behind. She had gotten her name recently when she helped get a wad of moss out of Wildkit's throat. The act was enough for Poppyfur to demand Brightgaze to give her her full name. "Dustynose!" Vinepaw realized the voice was Darkfang.

The dark tabby she-cat's eyes were wide and crazed as she wailed for the medicine cat apprentice. "Dustynose!"

"Darkfang, where's the fire?" Dustynose hurried out of her den, pelt unkempt from sleep. Seeing her expression, Dustynose's shoulders tensed and Vinepaw got closer to the two she-cats.

"It-it's Ripplepelt!" She cried, tail lashing wildly behind her as she spoke. "He-he's not waking up!"

Dustynose seemed to become stone as she heard Darkfang's words. "Where is he?" She demanded, her voice as sharp as her eyes.

"I-in the warrior's den," Darkfang sobbed, falling to the ground in a tearful heap. As Dustynose raced inside the den, Vinepaw approached the crying warrior, crouching down next to her. "H-he's dead! I knew something was wrong with him!"

Vinepaw's heart stopped and he raised his head as Rainstar bounded toward them. He dipped his head to his leader but didn't meet her eyes. This is all my fault. He thought miserably as Dustynose stuck her head out of the warrior's den, Ripplepelt's scruff in her jaws. If I hadn't quarreled with him, he may be alive.

"Is he..." Rainstar's voice shook with grief and it failed as Dustynose nodded sadly. She seemed to sink into the ground, letting out a loud yowl at the cold night sky. When she regained her composure, she padded toward the Highledge, climbing to the edge. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Her voice was hollow amd thick with sadness, making Vinepaw nervous. What if his leader broke down?

Sweetpaw and Rushpaw were hurrying to join the gathered cats and Vinepaw didn't make an effort to go over to them. No doubt that Sweetpaw was upset with him and Rushpaw was relishing that fact.

"Clanmates," Rainstar meowed, her eyes shadowed and unreadable. "I know that it is moonhigh and Ripplepelt, my noble deputy, has joined StarClan." Silence washed over the Clan, only to be broken by a wail from Darkfang. "In honor of Ripplepelt, I will name a new deputy before him. I, Rainstar, leader of ThunderClan say these words before the body of Ripplepelt and the spirits of StarClan so they may hear and approve my choice. Starlinglight will be the new deputy of ThunderClan!"

Vinepaw watched as the silver-gray tom rose to his paws, head bowed to his leader. "Your choice honors me, Rainstar," he meowed humbly. "I can never replace Ripplepelt but I vow to serve my Clan until the day I die."

Vinepaw's right ear twitched as Spotsong muttered to Gorsespring. "Pray to StarClan that it doesn't come as soon as Ripplepelt's."

Whether or not Rainstar heard it, Vinepaw couldn't help but look over at Ripplepelt's body. The former deputy was hauntingly still and it made the apprentice shiver with eerie fear.


"Alright, Vinepaw," meowed Cloverfur as she faced her apprentice, tail flicking. It was morning now and Starlinglight's appointment of deputy in Ripplepelt's place was still fresh in the air. As it turned out, Darkfang was expecting the fallen tom's kits and was close to giving birth. "Since you've proven to be good at hunting, we need to sharpen your combat skills."

Vinepaw nodded without speaking, tail flicking behind him. As his mentor went on, he hardly listened as his mind traveled elsewhere. I wonder what Applepaw is doing with her mentor.

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