Chapter Two

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Spottedshine and Badgerstorm. StarClan honors your bravery and energy and we welcome you as full warriors of ThunderClan." Rainstar rested her head on the two warrior's heads. In turn, they licked her shoulder.

"Spottedshine! Badgerstorm! Spottedshine! Badgerstorm!" Cheered the Clan as Vinekit and Sweetkit watched from the nursery, Rushkit sleeping to their left.

One moon had gone by since Vinekit spoke to Ripplepelt and life was great. Him, Rushkit, and Sweetkit played games from dawn until dusk and they even made some new games. Catch the Frog was one of them, along with Clans and Family.

It was great playing all day without any worries. However, just recently Blossomscar had started to get sick and she had to move to the medicine cat's den. The medicine cats, Brightgaze and his apprentice, Dustypaw kept a close eye on her and her kits.

"If the kits get sick, they may not survive." Brightgaze had said. Since Lightkit and Quickkit were weaker had had to rely on Blossomscar more than Sweetkit, they were more vulnerable to sickness than their sister. Sweetkit was worried about her brothers but got distracted whenever Rushkit or Vinekit wanted to play.

Pretty soon, we'll all be apprentices! Vinekit reminded himself as the Clan dispersed and Rainstar leaped down from the Highledge. I wonder who my mentor will be. As Vinekit scanned the clearing, he spotted his father chatting with Thrushpool. The she-cat's eyes were embarrassed and her cheeks flushed a dark shade of red. Jealousy rose in Vinekit's throat like bile and looked away. Why doesn't he pay attention to us?

Before he could speak to Sweetkit and Rushkit about playing hide-and-seek, an outraged yowl made him stiffen. His ears shot up and forward as he focused on the camp entrance.

He and his denmates couldn't go out there just yet. They were much too young, despite Rushkit's protests that they could take on all the foxes in the forest with their claws sheathed.

Rainstar turned away from her conversation with Brightgaze and hurried toward the gathered cats who were hissing and spitting with anger. "What's going on?" She demanded, shoving her way to the center of the small half-circle.

One of the warriors, Starlinglight, threw a dead squirrel at the leader's paws, fuming. "SkyClan killed this on our land!" He declared, bristling with anger. "They left it by the border along with their scent on our side of the border."

"They're testing us again!" Growled the furious voice of Darkfang, a dark gray tabby she-cat as she stood next to Cloverfur. "We should teach them a lesson!"

"Yeah!" Snarled Hawkpelt. Vinekit's eyes widened in surprise at how angry and eager to fight his father was. He loves battle. "We should go into their camp and shred them to pieces!"

Many warriors cheered with Hawkpelt, but Rainstar lashed her tail for silence, eyes ablaze.

"Warriors do not need to shed blood to win their battles, Hawkpelt." She meowed sharply, slicing into Vinekit's ears like a thorn.

"They've crossed the line too many times, Rainstar!" He spat back, furious. "ThunderClan shouldn't let any Clan trespass, hunt prey, kill it, and leave it for the crows!"

"Hawkpelt's right," growled Birchfur, his eyes narrowed into slits. "We aren't going to stand for this!"

"Silence!" Rainstar's screech made Vinekit duck his head, Sweetkit doing the same thing as they watched. Her eyes blazed with anger as she glared at her former deputy. "This is why you are no longer my deputy, Hawkpelt." She hissed. Turning to Ripplepelt, she meowed. "What do you think we should do?"

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now