Chapter Twenty

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"Hold on, Spotsong." Dustynose meowed, her voice panicky and stressed as she flew around the den, collecting cobwebs and herbs.

Scarredbelly laid in his temporary nest, slipping in and out of consciousness as he blurrily watched the young medicine cat try to patch up the elder. His eyes constantly opened and closed as he fought to stay awake.

Dustynose's eyes were fearful and scared as she looked up at Scarredbelly. "Can you watch her while I go speak with Rainstar?" She asked, her voice shaky.

Scarredbelly nodded, unable to form words as he dragged himself toward the elder, rasping his tongue over her head. "You're going to be okay, Spotsong." He whispered, trying to convince her and himself.

Spotsong let out a dry, painful laugh as she opened her eyes, peering up at Scarredbelly. "D-don't lie to yourself or me, Scarredbelly." She rasped, her eyes glazed and glowing with pride. "W-we both know StarClan is waiting for me."

The warrior rested his paws across her flank, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. "I-I have something to tell you, Spotsong." He whispered. "WindClan didn't kill Cloverfur; I did."

Instead of looking shocked or angry, Spotsong looked at peace. "I always knew that, Scarredbelly." She meowed, her eyes closed as she spoke. "The moment you came into camp, your eyes were full of guilt that it made it clear to me."

Scarredbelly sniffled, staring down at Spotsong. "Are-are you angry?" He whispered.

The elder let out a purr that sounded painful. "Of course not," she meowed. "StarClan willed you to take her life, and I put no blame on your shoulders." Scarredbelly's head reeled as she went on. "I will see her again in StarClan."

Scarredbelly rested his chin on her shoulder, blinking as her breathing got shallower and shallower. "May StarClan light your path always, Spotsong." He whispered, eyes closing as he slipped into darkness.


When Scarredbelly's eyes opened, he wasn't in his nest but half laying on Spotsong's cold, lifeless body in the medicine den. His limbs were stiff and his wounds burned but he rose to his paws, staring sadly at Spotsong. Forcing himself to pull his gaze away from hers, he limped out of the medicine den.

The sky was dark with storm clouds that made rain fall on the camp. The clearing was baren and Scarredbelly let out a sigh as he limped into the center. His heart was as heavy as his paws as he dragged himself toward the remains of the fresh-kill pile.

A rather puny mouse and a squirrel along with a blackbird were the only good pieces of prey on the pile. With a sigh, Scarredbelly bents down and picked up the squirrel, carrying his meal toward the willow tree to eat.

As he sank his teeth into his prey, the meat tasted delicious like usual, but it didn't taste nearly as good when Spotsong and Poppyfur were there in the Clan. The sun started to rise when he was nearly done with his meal and the first cat to step into the clearing was Rainstar, her eyes shadowed and pelt matted.

"Rainstar!" Scarredbelly's voice was hoarse as he caught the ThunderClan leader's attention. He waved a paw, gesturing for her to join him.

"I see you're doing better," she commented as she padded toward him, her eyes forcefully bright.

Scarredbelly blinked. "I'd be better if Spotsong and Poppyfur were here." He twitched his ear, looking the leader over. Her ribs were poking out of her fur and she seemed to be putting her weight on her right side. "Are you injured or sick?" He met her eyes, surprised to see them sharpen with wariness. "You're favoring your right side."

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now