Chapter Fourteen

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Vinepaw gagged as he rubbed the mouse bile on the tick, making it pop off. Quick as a mouse, he threw it to the ground and crushed it with a paw. Gross. He thought as he went back to checking Gorsespring for more ticks.

"Thank you so much, Vinepaw." Purred the elder as she looked over her shoulder at the apprentice. Her blue eyes were clouded and Vinepaw wondered what it would be like if he was blind. "That one was buggin' me real bad."

"I bet he knows that, Gorsespring." Chuckled Spotsong as she watched as Orchidpaw checked her fur for ticks. "You've been complaining about it for days."

Gorsespring fixed her sightless eyes on her denmate, tail flicking and slapping Vinepaw in the face. "Oh, hush up!" She meowed, her voice sharp but amused. "I'll never be quiet about the ticks that nest in my fur."

"If you do, I'd be scared." Spotsong rolled her green eyes, looking warmly at the two apprentices. "Thank you both for doing this." She purred, tail flicking in approval.

"Of course," Orchidpaw replied, rising to his paws. Despite his polite reply, Vinepaw could tell he was relieved to be done. "It's our job to take care of the elders."

Gorsespring let out a hearty laugh and it warmed Vinepaw's aching heart. "I remember when I was your age, young 'uns." She meowed, ear twitching as Spotsong laughed softly. "Quiet, you. Gather 'round, apprentices, and pray to StarClan you pay attention."

Curious, Vinepaw padded around the elderly she-cat and sat down in front of her, next to Orchidpaw. He watched as his new denmate shifted down closer to the ground, eyes wide with excitement.

"Seasons ago when I was an apprentice, my mentor was Lightwind." Gorsespring began as Spotsong shifted so she could hear the older she-cat's story. "One day, I was on a border patrol with her and a few other warriors. When I smelled a strange scent, I told Lightwind and she called the other cats on the patrol to follow her."

"What did you smell?" Asked Orchidpaw, interrupting the story.

Gorsespring flicked her tail, silencing the younger apprentice as she went on. "When we reached the SkyClan border, we discovered they had stolen prey and were invading the territory." Vinepaw was mildly surprised but let the she-cat continue. "Lightwind ordered me and another cat, Wasppaw, to ambush the patrol while they were fighting through thorns. When we eventually made it around the patrol, Wasppaw and I leaped at the intruders, claws unsheathed and teeth bared."

Beside him, Orchidpaw gasped and Vinepaw rolled his eyes. "Who did you go for first?" The red tabby apprentice asked, getting increasingly excited.

"The patrol leader: Finchfall." Answered the elder. "I raked my claws across his face, spraying the forest floor with his blood before leaping on top of him. I pinned him down, relentlessly clawing and biting until he begged for mercy!" Gorsespring flicked her tail and went on. "Before I let him up, Wasppaw was having trouble with another, much larger, warrior. Her name was Oakpetal and she had pinned Wasppaw to the ground and clawed at his belly. With a mighty yowl, I tackled her off Wasppaw and threw her away from me, making her hit a tree."

"Did it hurt?" Vinepaw asked, unable to hold in the question.

Gorsespring nodded. "I heard her back crack and she wailed in immense agony before getting help from one of her Clanmates. As they retreated, my mentor congratulated me and Wasppaw and we were made warriors when we returned to camp." Her back straightened and her unseeing eyes shone with pride. "I was giving the name Gorsespring because I leaped into battle to aid my Clanmates without hesitation."

Orchidpaw stared at the elder, awestruck. "And what about Wasppaw?" He asked.

"You mean Waspstorm?" Spotsong chuckled, licking her belly. "He was named Waspstorm because he'd make it look like a storm came through after a battle."

Vinepaw's ear twitched as he looked at the calico elder. "How did you know that?" He asked.

"Because," Spotsong sat up, looking at the three cats. "Waspstorm is my father."

"Wow!" Breathed Orchidpaw as he leaped to his paws. "What about your mother?"

"My mother was named Hazelwish," she answered and rolled onto her back, eyes closed. "Cloverfur was my daughter, you know."

A fresh wave of guilt and grief washed over Vinepaw and he looked away from Spotsong. I killed your kit, Spotsong. He wanted to wail. I'm so sorry!

Orchidpaw turned to Gorsespring, who was curled in a ball and grooming her shoulder. "Who are your kits?" He asked, blinking at the she-cat. "Who was your mate?"

Gorsespring waved her tail, amused. "My mate was Rainacorn and my kits are Birchfur and Thrushpool." She meowed and blinked her blind eyes at the two apprentices. "That's enough lounging around for today. Go outside and get some fresh air!"

Vinepaw quickly rose to his paws and left the den, not waiting for Orchidpaw as he headed for the apprentice's den. As he entered the den, he spotted Sweetpaw hunched over and sobbing met his ears. "Sweetpaw?" He called out, startling the she-cat as she whirled around.

"V-Vinepaw!" She gasped, backing herself into the corner as he neared. "What are you doing here?"

He cleared his throat, feeling awkward. "I sleep in here," he meowed, gesturing to his nest in the front right corner of the den. Sweetpaw sniffled and his voice softened. "Are you okay?"

"No!" She cried, turning to face him. Vinepaw was startled at how bloodshot her eyes were, ringed with red and puffy from crying. "I hate my life!"

Her words cut through his heart like claws and he took a timid step toward her. "What's wrong?" Vinepaw asked gently.

Sweetpaw either didn't hear him over her sobbing or didn't hear him at all. "It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" She wailed over and over again.

"Sweetpaw!" Vinepaw meowed loudly, catching her attention before softening his voice once more. "What's the matter?"

She met his gaze, trembling. "I-I'm expecting Rushpaw's kits!" She whimpered, shocking Vinepaw. Sweetpaw must have seen his reaction because she wailed again. "I'm too young for this! I can't be a mother!"

Vinepaw's head spun as he processed what she'd told him. My brother is having kits? He thought, staggering at the thought. The nerve of him to lay his filthy paws on Sweetpaw! Shaking his head, he looked at his friend. Were they friends? They hadn't talked in a while but even so, he still loved her. "Sweetpaw, it's going to be okay."

"No, it's not!" The apprentice's claws tore at her moss nest, shredding it to pieces. "Brightgaze said that apprentices almost never survive kittings when they're this young!"

"You'll survive this one," he assured her as he sat down in front of her, putting a paw on hers comfortingly. She hiccupped and looked into his eyes, her own broken and sad. "You're stronger than this, Sweetpaw. You can do this."

Sweetpaw sniffed, regaining some of her strength. "I-I can do this," she repeated, though she sounded unsure. "I can do this." She meowed, stronger than the last.

"Exactly," Vinepaw meowed and flicked his tail. "Rushpaw is a load of fox-dung and doesn't deserve the family he didn't have." He meowed before rising to his paws. "You're stronger than him, Sweetpaw. Always remember that."

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