Chapter Seventeen

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Rushspring." Rainstar meowed, resting her muzzle on the top of his head whilst the new warrior licked her shoulder. "StarClan honors your courage and bravery and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

"Sweetpool! Rushspring! Sweetpool! Rushspring!" Cheered the Clan as Vinepaw watched his brother turn to face the crowd.

Rainstar waved her tail for silence, looking over at Vinepaw as he sat with Brightgaze and Dustynose. "Vinepaw, come forward." She meowed and he blinked in surprise, numbly padding forward. "You have endured more than what a usual apprentice has and I am grateful you push through it." She dipped her head. "I, Rainstar, leader of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has gone through unspeakable obstacles to get where he is now but he has endured it stronger than any other apprentice. I condemn him as a warrior in turn." Her eyes flicked back to the apprentice, glittering with hope and excitement. "At the request of his mother, Vinepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Scarredbelly. So that StarClan knows what you have gone through at the mercy of traitorous claws."

Vinepaw stared at the ThunderClan leader in absolute horror. Scarredbelly? He was mortified that his name, which he would carry on for seasons, was so cruel. He couldn't move as Rainstar dipped her head and called the meeting to an end. Scarredbelly whipped around to look at the medicine cats, petrified and sick to his stomach. "What...?" He could barely speak.

Brightgaze didn't meet his eyes, his ice-blue gaze smoldering with anger and sadness. Dustynose shook her head at the new warrior before vanishing into her den. When the medicine cat looked at Scarredbelly, his eyes were unreadable as he padded after his apprentice.

The newly named tom turned back to where Rainstar was standing, trembling. This is my life now. He thought as he looked around, spotting Sweetpool herding her kits outside to play. Sweetpool seems content with her name. Scarredbelly scowled, tail lashing. Of course, she would be. She doesn't have a vile name that burdens her. Vinescar sounds better than Scarredbelly. Bitterness rose in his throat like bile and, without thinking, stormed toward his leader's den. "Rainstar!" He called, his voice tight as he stalked into the den.

Rainstar's eyes flashed in the gloom of the den, surprised. "Scarredbelly," she meowed, turning to face the tom. "What's the matter?"

Scarredbelly snarled and the leader drew herself to her full height. "'What's the matter?'" He spat, tail lashing from side to side. "What kind of name is Scarredbelly?"

"It's the name your mother requested, Vin- Scarredbelly." She replied, her tone warning him to watch his wording. "I fulfilled her wish."

"By changing my name to be horrible?" He challenged, eyes blazing with anger and betrayal. When Rainstar took a small step back, he went on. "Change it back to Vinepaw! Give me a different name!"

Rainstar's tail lashed behind her. "No," she growled and Scarredbelly gaped at her, in shock. "I will not change your name again, Scarredbelly. You will live with your name. It is the will of a mother that gave you your name."

Fueled by anger and resentment, Scarredbelly whirled around and raced out of the den. Seething with rage, he stalked toward the warrior's den, tail lashing behind him. Minnowwind. His lips curled into a snarl at the sight of his mother, chatting with Thrushpool inside the den.

"Mother!" He barely hid the snarl from his voice as he glared daggers at Minnowwind, who had turned around and looked at her son in concern.

Minnowwind turned her body around, her light gray belly fur exposed. "Vine- Scarredbelly," she meowed, her voice shaking as she nervously flicked her tail. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of seeing my son?"

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