Chapter Seven

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Vinepaw stirred as the sweet smell of mouse wafted up to his nose. His eyes blinked open and he saw the brown body of the prey next to a wad of dripping moss. His mouth watered and he pulled the fresh-kill toward him, taking a bite.

"Glad to see you have an appetite, Vinepaw." The apprentice looked up to see Brightgaze looking down at him. His eyes were bloodshot and his fur was matted. "You've been out for two days."

Vinepaw choked on his bite and swallowed hard, staring at the tom in shock. "T-two days?" He rasped. I thought I just fell asleep!

Brightgaze pushed the moss toward Vinepaw and as the apprentice lapped at it eagerly, he explained. "That chest wound the WindClan cat gave you refused to stop bleeding and you lost a lot of blood." He meowed and Vinepaw winced. "Dustypaw and I fought to keep you alive and luckily you are."

Vinepaw's heart dropped. "You stayed awake for two nights just to keep me alive?" He meowed, baffled.

The medicine cat nodded and flicked his tail. "It's what medicine cats do for their Clanmates," even as he spoke, his eyes gleamed with pride. He pointed with a paw to the moss and mouse. "Eat and drink that and when you're done, you can go out of the den. Don't leave camp."

Vinepaw nodded obediently. "What will you and Dustypaw do?" He asked as he finished drinking the water from the moss. As he took another bite of the mouse, Brightgaze answered.

"We're going to get some sleep," he angled with his ear to where Dustypaw was curled in her nest, snoring softly. "We're both tired and a nap won't hurt."

Vinepaw nodded and quickly ate the rest of the mouse, feeling stronger already. He rose to his paws, the ache in his chest making him grit his teeth. "Don't let me disturb you, Brightgaze." He meowed and dipped his head. "Thanks for sacrificing sleep to keep me alive."

Brightgaze flicked his tail dismissively. "It's what I was trained to do." He meowed and his eyes lit with amusement. "Now get out of here and let me sleep!"

Vinepaw chuckled and made his way out of the den. It was sunhigh and a number of cats were in the clearing. Birchfur and Starlinglight were sharing a thrush while talking to each other under a tall tree that gave them some shade. Rushpaw was playing tag with two kits; toms. Poppyfur was watching as the larger kit, a creamy white tom with red patches, leaped on Rushpaw and the other, a red tabby tom, battered his paws and took him to the ground.

At the base of the Highledge, Rainstar was lying on her back with Spotsong and Gorsespring, a squirrel and mouse half-eaten between them. Vinepaw scanned the clearing for Sweetpaw, but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's in the apprentice den. As he made his way to the den, a voice called his name.

"Vinepaw!" It was Thrushpool. Vinepaw turned his head to see his mentor and Thrushpool bounding toward him, side by side. "Are you alright?"

Cloverfur circled him, eyes flashing with worry and guilt. "I shouldn't have let you go on that patrol," she meowed, blinking at the herbs on his chest. "This would never have happened if I had gone and had you go hunting."

Vinepaw flicked his tail, shaking his head. "It wasn't your fault, Cloverfur." He protested but she didn't seem to hear him.

"I'm going to shred the ears of the warrior who attacked you," his mentor went on, pelt bristling. "I'll claw his eyes until he begs for mercy!"

Vinepaw winced and looked at Thrushpool, who looked at Cloverfur with concern in her yellow eyes. "Cloverfur," he interrupted, making his mentor stop speaking. "Have you seen Sweetpaw?"

Thrushpool gave him a knowing look, making him uncomfortable. "She's out hunting right now but she'll be back soon." She meowed and looked at Cloverfur. "We're about to go hunting anyway. We'll check on you later, Vinepaw."

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