Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Scarredbelly leaped into the air, twisting, and landing on his paws, facing Applefrost. She was struggling not to laugh and he narrowed his eyes playfully. "What?"

Applefrost's face is contorted into a smile as she fought back laughter. "Y-you looked like a squirrel," she meowed, stumbling over her words slightly as she began to laugh.

Scarredbelly flattened his ears playfully and he sprang at Applefrost, knocking her off her paws and pinning her to the ground. "Don't let your guard down!" He mimicked Sweetpool's voice as he held the she-cat to the ground.

Applefrost didn't reply as she stared up at him, her eyes gentle and loving. Scarredbelly froze, mentally paralyzed as she licked his muzzle, her eyes glowing. "I love you, Scarredbelly."

Scarredbelly felt weightless as he stared blankly down at her, his heart racing laps in his chest. She loves you. Gorsespring's voice rang in his ears as he began to tremble. Say something! Gulping he leaned down and nuzzled her gently. "I-I love you too, Applefrost." He murmured.

His heart burst as she purred, the sound making him relax as she nuzzled herself into his fur. Scarredbelly's breath hitched and he laid down next to her as she snuggled into his shoulder fur, her paw wrapping around his chest and pulling him closer.

Scarredbelly twined his tail with hers and let out a loud purr, nestling himself against her. His mind flickered back to when he and Sweetpool were apprentices with Cloverfur and Thrushpool by the lakeshore. For a moment, he was back on that sandy beach, Sweetpool- Sweetpaw back then - nuzzled into his shoulder as Thrushpool and Cloverfur watched in amusement. They too were snuggled close against each other and it made Scarredbelly's stomach twist as he recalled how life was easier when Rainfall was leader. When Cloverfur was here. His mind told him with a sneer.

He closed his eyes as his mind wandered away from him and Applefrost, trailing into his memories as a carefree apprentice. Scarredbelly let out a content sigh and a low purr rumbled in his throat.

There was a rustle of bushes and Scarredbelly's eyes open as he sat up, ears pricked. Applefrost let out a mew of protest, pawing at his shoulder in confusion. Rising to his paws, his tail flicked.

"Hello?" He called warily, eyes darting around them. Behind him, Applefrost sniffed the air as she rose to her paws, ears twitching. "Who's there?"

There was a growl and Scarredbelly unsheathed his claws, backing up to stand in front of Applefrost. "If something happens," he hissed to her. "You run back to camp for help."

Applefrost gave him a sharp look. "I'm not going anywhere," she retorted, her claws unsheathed.

There was a thunder of paws as a shape flew at Scarredbelly, paws outstretched. Scarredbelly let out a snarl and reared on his hind legs, slashing at the cat's ears. There was a hiss of pain from the other cat and Applefrost raked her claws across their flank.

As Scarredbelly scored a blow on the cat's cheek, Applefrost let out a yelp as she was thrown to the ground, claws digging into her face as she was pinned. "Get off me!" She hissed.

"Applefrost!" Scarredbelly lunged at the cat who pinned her but a weight slammed into his side, tossing him to the side and sending him skidding into the grass.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, brother." Cooed a voice like honey. Scarredbelly's blood ran cold as he realized the cat who attacked Applefrost was his littermate.

"Get off her, Rushspring!" He yelled, back arching. Worry for Applefrost made his anger falter at the sight of the blood staining her cheek.

"Make me, Scarredbelly." Rushspring lashed his tail, motioning for one of his accomplices to hold Applefrost down for him. As he strode toward Scarredbelly, the warrior realized that he didn't recognize this cat. This isn't the Rushspring I used to know. He thought.

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